The Lastborn NPCs
Prince Keen
A low-level wannabe gangster. He has a legion of thugs that have one hand replaced with an axe blade-- very inconvenient, really.
Hannah 5
The latest clone of the bartender at Hannah's Dive.
Daisuke Sakurada
A psychic, leader of the Sakurada Compact.
Butler and valet to Archibald D'arqueHardt. In his fifties, perhaps. He seems very dedicated, but it's quite clear that he's pushing Archie in subtle ways to become a criminal mastermind and achieve world domination.
Archibald Busk
Producer of the tremendously popular Fight Night series, Archibald is a middle-aged man who favors a bowling hat and a cigar. He runs the series with an iron fist and though some have tried to accuse him of fixing fights in the past, no one has made it stick in court.
This green-haired beauty is the girlfriend of Phoneix Smith.
Identical twin of Lily. She was the bad seed of the family - the really bad seed. She had distinguished herself as a sort of anarchic urban terrorist.
Dr. Ichiro Itagaki
The world's foremost expert on Prima mutation and a lot more open-minded than the Hope Police. He's in Directorate 13.
Dr. Wolfenstien
The man that created Myda. A mad scientist that is trying to create a loyal army of bear, lion and boar men. He lives in a castle in an area that is frequently plagued by thunderstorms.
Banner Sagan
A Shori employee who is deeply involved in the events of the Evo Crusade. Staggeringly arrogant, supremely confident, extremely unlikeable.
Aria Smith
Phoenix's sister was a casualty of a terrorist attack by the Apollyon Cartel. Suffering the effects of an unintended Prima overload, she is currently comatose and kept alive in a special containment unit. She was kidnapped by the Silver City Guild via the Sakurada Compact, who attacked the Shori transport moving her. Daisuke Sakurada believes she is being kept in a coma by the world for her own protection, and that she is in communion with Prima.
Vandal Whiteburn
A well-placed made man of the the Silver City Guild and an official representative of the Powers That Be that provided transportation services to and from Silver City. He dresses an expensive suit with accessories no doubt designed to show off wealth in a totally unnecessary fashion. He is guarded by two thick-necked men that looks as if they had modified Shori security uniforms on, as if Shori had actually considered fashion sense in their designs.
Damien Roar
A man infused with Prima energy similar to Phoenix and Aria, but driven mad by the process. Who knows how long he's been roaming the badlands in such a state?