Li phanquann sub cult of Humakt

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  • Li Phanquan wiki
  • This yellow-skinned warrior from Kralorela fought for the Empire of the Wyrm's Friends during its heyday. In a famous journey across the Wastes of Genert, he destroyed all the undead of the Wastes and wounded the chaos god Vivamort. Since his death and the end of the Empire, some unlife have returned to the Wastes, but his victory is still renowned. His cult teaches the spirit magic Detect Undead.
  • Skills: Sense Undead,

Spirit Magic

  • Detect Undead,
  • Undead Bane CASTING TIME 2, DURATION 10, MAGNITUDE 1, PROGRESSIVE, AREA 5, RESIST (Persistence) Any undead attempting to enter the protected area must resist the spell in order to do so. Undead within the zone at the time of its creation must resist it or be compelled to leaveas quickly as possible.
  • Common Divine Magic: 1 point spells
  • Divine Magic: Wound Vampire,
    • Wound Vampire 2PT

When cast any blows inflicted by the caster can become terrible and lethal to a vampire. Any damage inflicted by the wielder during the spell's effect cannot be healed by the vampire in mist form. This spell does not prevent a vampire from turning to mist either at his will, or automatically upon being incapacitated by something other than a head or chest hit.

  • Curse Vampire 2PT

Can only be cast on Vampires. If the caster overcomes the vampires magic points with their own the vampire becomes unable to use their special powers of Enthrall, Shapechange, mp drain, fp drain and regeneration.