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"The wonderful thing about adventure is that-...Heh, nevermind."

The old Elias writeup can be found here


Real name: Elias Snark

Aliases: Elias the Villain

Age: Mid-twenties-ish

Race: Human

Position Junior Cartographer

Eyes: Purple

Hair: Very light blond


Elias is a tall, fit and broad-shouldered young man with bright blond hair. Since the Everchill incident, his thuggish appearance has increased even more, as he know has to wear a black eyepatch to cover up his lost eye. Also, his remaining eye turned purple as it burned itself out, but because of the multitude of species in the Mirrorskies, nobody but human monoworlders would notice this as weird. He still wears his personal lucky charm, the colorful homemade scarf around his neck, although half a year of adventure means that it has shrunk considerably in length, and the colors have started to wane. But it's a gift from his precious sister, so he'd never get rid off it. He was also finally convinced to ditch the choking winter coat he always used to wear. Through some miracle of Winters', Elias has learned to vary his wardrobe. He still complains about the heat if it gets above 20 degrees Celsius hot outside though.


Elias was born in the plane of Everchill, a plane known for it's never ending winter. He was the only son of Luthor Snark, a talented (and quite possibly mad!) scientist and the famous adventuress and swordswoman Sonia the Dragonslayer, who dropped him off in the hands of a rather confused laboratory assistant nine months after a night of passion with said assistant's employer. As far as Elias knows, she has never visited Everchill again since then.

Elias Snark had a normal youth, or at least as normal as it gets when your father is a mad scientist working nefarious and immoral experiments for the corrupt communist regime and your mother is a famous but absent adventuress whose only means of contact to you is the irregular postcards that arrived once or twice per year. Still, Elias doesn't hold any grudges, although his father's rather unorthodox methods of fatherhood (that can best be described as a mix of indifference, forgetfulness and empirical research) has left him a bit more cynical than the average person.

As a he grew up Elias enrolled to the proud Everchill Academy of Warfare and Chivalry, set on a course to become a officer in the Everchill Republic Army. Indeed, it seemed as if Elias had a bright future ahead of him. Then everything was turned upside down as Elias inexplicably turned into a criminal overnight. The details are fuzzy about exactly what he did, but it must've been pretty bad as Elias was forced to flee Everchill with only the cloths he wearing and the servant construct Wisp with him. Before he left the plane for good though he made himself infamous by sinking the whole republic fleet stationed around the Nhihn, including the famous cruiser "Iceburg".

On the run and with the biggest bounty in the whole of Mirrorskies on his head (with an unpleasant note saying that he needn't be alive), Elias Snark desperately sought refuge in the only place he knew in this strange, multi spectral world. The mysterious society his mother's postcards spoke about, The Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers. There, he experienced many adventures, found new friends and learned important lessons in life. He would also reveal that the reason he had to escape Everchill in the first place was because he stole a top secret weapons experiment; Wisp, who also coincedentally had once been his twin sister, Elena.

When Elias revisited Everchill in order to save Wisp, would been retaken, he accidentally incited a rebellion and overthrew its government by defeating the Empress Niko III. Not without cost though, as in the violent battle Elias lost both his powers to control water and one of his eyes. In the aftermath though, Elena was revived by Vicar, who revealed himself to be the famous Adam the Witch Doctor to Shire. Nobody else is aware of this though, and Elena's revival was a huge surprise to all, Elias in particular.


Intelligent, cynical and suave was how Elias was once described. And yes, he's intelligent,in a way. Sometimes, Elias improvises the most cunning battle plans and make very canny observations about his opponents. Unfortunately though, this intellect is usually left to stagnate, as Elias has neither the interest nor inclination develop his mind. And yes, Elias is cynical, to a degree. He'll make snarky comments and make cynical observations off the inevitability of disaster. But wouldn't you say a man who travels the worlds to revive his dead sister is deep down naive? And yes, Elias is suave. He usually talks in a formal manner in dissonance to his thuggish manner, using long words and complex sentences, and he moves with the easy confidence of a man who knows he could kick your ass, and probably will. But he's easy to anger, and once he's riled up he got a hard time to settle down again. He's also still way too overconfident, although his brush-ups with death has made him realize he's not indestructible.

Elias still idolizes his mother to an extent, but he no longer tries to copy her. Instead, he's determined to make his own path, through hard work and sheer force of will. And trust you me, if there's anything Elias got, it's a willingness to work hard and never surrender to the odds. But experience has taught Elias to curb his own egoism as well, at least sometimes.

So in many ways, Elias is still the same old Elias, only, not, because he's grown more mature. He's learned to value new things, like his comrades, and strangely, considering how egoistic he can be sometimes, himself. His nature is very much rooted in duality. He's a callous villain with an ego that'll devour worlds. He's a good guy, who rushes to his friends aid. He's a total jerkass to anyone he meets. He spent half a decade trying to save his sister. He's loud and boisterous. He's easily embarrassed by compliments. He's a violent thug. He's compassionate man who does what he believes is right. He's lots of things.

Elias still loves hamburgers and baked goods, and silently laments of seldom he gets either. He's lusts for beautiful women, yet his subconscious code of honor stops him from ever getting off with anyone. He still dislikes loud people, getting disrespected and monotonous labor, which makes him a bloody hypocrite. He hates it when people risk their lives for stupid reasons, yet he does so himself all the time so no one else has to. He's protective of his sister and considers rest of TIME as his friends, although he'd never admit it. He respect Alison, mostly because she always manages to make him very very confused.


Elias lost all of is powers, even his sword, in Everchill, so when you speak of Elias' powers, there's just one thing to be said. He got none. He's good at improvising though, and he's very fit and strong for a human, not to mention that he's an expert brawler and pugilist (a remnant of his younger days as a violent punk on the streets of Everchill). He is also the noble carrier of the Flare Gun God, which is a sentient Flare Gun, and that's about it. As of late, he was also gifted with a pair of masterwork dragon bone knuckle bracers by gramps, which he's sure to put in good use in the future.

Elias also got a very powerful ego, which let him break Darmaru's soul manipulation arts in the Wellspring of Life. This ego is probably a great asset towards anyone who tries to mentally dominate Elias Snark in the future. It might also have other benefits that Elias is yet to find out about.


Elias joined the Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers because he hoped to be able to hide from the thousands of bounty hunters out for his head, not to mention the secret Everchill agents no doubt looking for him by now. Largely unaware of the worlds outside Everchill, he frankly didn't have much else of a choice. He thoroughly dislike it there though, and he doesn't give a squat about the society's legacy and honor. Since then though, he has started to "give a squat" about some things. His comrades in arms for starters. Elias has also found out that he actually like the freedom that being an adventurer brings. Quite simply, Elias loves being unbound by the rules that govern normal people.


Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers