Power and casting spells

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  • Derived Attribute: Power Points As in the Savage Worlds Rulesbook, Power Points fuel spells and various arcane reactions. In Savage Glorantha, though, every living creature has inherent Power Points equal to its Spirit x 2.
  • While the maxi- mum number of Power Points can be reduced, it can never be increased beyond the Spirit x 2 limit. A character can temporarily spend his Power Points on Battle Magic spells, but he may never spend all of his points ,he must always have at least one point remaining or his hold upon the physical world will be severed and his spirit will cross over into the spiritplane.

  • Temporarily expended Power Points return at the rate of one per hour. For example, while ghting trolls in the Big Rubble, Rurik casts Bladesharp 4 and

Protection 4, for a total of eight Power Points spent. His Power Points temporarily fall to eight; however, the spent points will be fully recovered in eight hours.

  • PACT. A number of POW points can be placed into a pact with your God. Up to one half of your spirit dice. These can be used to buy divine magic of a magnitude up to that of your pact. Divine spells will return after use after one day within the Monkey ruins or other suitable Temple environment.

Points given to your pact can not be used for common magic.