Divine spells
- Special Divine Spells
for Ancestor-Worshipers
- Axis Mundi
ritual Summon, nonstackable, reusable This one-hour ritual creates a holy sanctuary (10m in radius) which enhances the passage of ancestral spirits to the mundane plane. Ancestral spirits can appear within the Axis Mundi without the benefit of a Visibility spell The spells of Gift Power, Gift Spell, Incarnate Ancestor and Summon Ancestor can all be cast within its bounds as if they were ordinary divine magic, without going through a lengthy ritual. Axis Mundi can be boosted with as many MPs as desired. Each point gives the Axis Mundi one hour’s duration. This spell also attracts ancestral spirits and permits their participation in the holy day rituals.
- Free Ghost
This spell must be cast upon the ghost of a deceased mortal. The user must overcome the MPs of the ghost with his own. If he succeeds, the ghost is unbound from its haunting and returns to the Land of the Dead.
- Incarnate Ancestor
This spell causes a named ancestor to dominantly possess the body of a willing descendant, who can be the spell caster. The summoned spirit can use all spells, knowledge, and skills it had while living. The spirit need not leave the host body until it pleases to do so or is exorcised. Friendly spirits leave when the job at hand is through. Neutral spirits must be bribed to do so by Gift Power or Gift Spell. Malign ancestors do not leave voluntarily.
- Summon Ancestor
This spell summons an ancestral spirit from the Land of the Dead. If the spirit is friendly, it can engage in spirit combat or cast spells if the summoner desires. Not all a character’s ancestors may be righteous or kindly. Evil spirits may attack the caster, or at least refuse to aid him. If the caster names a specific ancestor when the spell is cast, he gets that particular ancestor. Otherwise, a randomly- determined spirit is called, the characteristics of which are determined through use of the Random Ancestor Table.