Nobilis: Beneath The Serpent's Coils:China

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Lilang "China" Lee, Title


Aspect: 3/10
Domain: 0/5
Realm: 1/5
Spirit: 2/5



  • 1 point (this is an standard gift in book)

World Walker

  • 2 points (this is an standard gift in book)


Focus: The Knife that Amaretta used to kill her family. Contains one level of Aspect, Realm, and Spirit
Virtue Loyalty: Lilang is before all else, loyal. Not even the bonds of Nobility can break her dedication to the Resuttana family.
Light Touch: Lilang can't impose her will on her anchors. To do so would make a mockery of what she is.
Silence: Lilang cannot reveal a secret to a lawful authority, or to anyone who doesn't need to know.
Introduction: She cannot trust an identity without being introduced by someone she trusts.


Personal Code : The Code of the Angels

  • Beauty is the highest principle.
  • Justice is a form of Beauty.
  • Lesser beings should respect their betters.

Code of the Hidden (Cold)

  • Never show three faces when you can show seven.
  • Never show one, when you can hide them all.
  • Always appear to have a plan, especially when you don't.


6: Her honor as an Guard for the Resuttana House.
5: Amaretta Resuttana
4: Killing Monsters
3: Protecting Earth
1: The Chancel
1: The Sanctity of her Estate


Amaretta Resuttanar

The only surviving member of the Resuttana family, she was always a bit strange, kept away from the world by her sister, and both lonley and very very talkative. Even so, no one suspected that one day, she would take a knife and kill them all. Why? She's never said. How? We don't know. China blames both on her Imperator.


For herself she uses Monkshood the flower of treachery. For her estate she uses a flowerless bramble, it thorns stained red. Against the background of the Heavenly Code.


On the hills behind the city, the biggest mansions rested. On the edge of those hills just blocks from the worst part of town stood one of the largest.

This house was the house of the local Don, an aristocratic woman who could have tea with a man who she had ordered killed, who inspired loyalty and adherence to her rules with an almost supernatural stare. Some said that she could stare down fate herself.

Surely she was destined for greatness.

Under her worked her most trusted assistant. Her 'cleaner' who studied the ways of death and illusion. Who it was said could be in dozen places at once. Who killed her own family when they betrayed the Don, before the Don even ever knew.

Surely such skill, such loyalty, such beauty deserved a reward.

In the basement rooms, (really quite nice, and sound proofed) lived the don's sister. A child an innocent in a house of monsters. Loved by the whole house.

Why did that have to change?

On the edge of the grounds lived the guards, many people tried to get on these famous hills, and the Cosa Nostra desired privacy. Head of the guards was a woman. From China, she seemed to sleep at the oddest hours, but somehow did her job.

She wasn't treated well, most didn't even call her by name, just "Jap" or "China", or at best "Guard", but they were still her people and she did her job best she could.

Until one night. A summer night muggy and still. The Dons sister came up to door. Her dress soaked in blood, her hand carrying a knife. "I killed them." she said, collapsing into Lilang's arms.

And at those words, at her unavoidable failure, she was given power, power to guard the world from the monsters at the door. Starting with the monster that gave her this power.

Now she tries to raise little Amaretta Resuttana as best she can.