Shattered Lands/AureusHaaku

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General Info

Aureus Haaku Khefrotep Dark Moon of the Night Runners Level 6 half-elf Ranger (two-weapon build) Athasian Minstrel

Eyes: Gray Hair: Copper-brown Height: 6' Weight: 186lbs

MAX HP 54 Bloodied 27 Surge Value 13 Surge per Day 7

Initiative 9

Speed 6

Miscellaneous Vision or Senses Low-light vision


AC 19= 10+3(1/2 LvL)+(Armor+Ability)+1 (Fixed rate)

Fort 17= 13+3+1

Ref 16= 13+2+1

Will 15= 13+2

Ability Scores

Ability Bonus(B) [B+1/2 LvL]

STR 16 (+3) [+6] INT 11 (+0) [+3]

CON 12(+1) [+4] WIS 14 (+2) [+5]

DEX 15(+2) [+5] CHA 14 (+2) [+5]



Acrobatics(Dex) 10

Bluff (Cha) 10

Nature (Wis) 10

Perception (Wis) 10

Stealth (Dex) 10

Thievery (Dex) 10


Insight(Wis) 17

Perception (Wis) 20


Toughness - gain 5 additional HP, 10 at 11th, 15 at 21st (Two-weapon ranger build)
Sneak of Shadows - Rogue; training in Thievery, Sneak Attack 1/encounter.
Improved Initiative - +4 to initiative checks.
Two-weapon fighting - +1 damage while holding a melee weapon in each hand.
Flank on the Run - don't provoke AO when moving around enemy and remaining adjacent.


Hunter's Quarry - designated enemy takes +1d6 damage when hit.
Shield of Blades - Str vs AC; 1[W]+3 damage, +2 power bonus to my AC until end of my next turn.
Hit and Run - Str vs AC; 1[W]+3 damage, moving in same turn after this attack does not provoke AO when leaving first square adjacent to target of attack.


Poisoned Strike - Str vs AC; 1[W] damage +5 poison damage. Until end of next turn, if target willingly moves more than 2 squares or makes an attack, it falls prone and is immobilized until end of its next turn. (Athasian Minstrel power)
Second Wind - spend healing surge for 13 HP, +2 to all defenses until start of next turn.
Riposte Strike - Dex vs AC; 1[W]+2 damage, if target attacks me before start of my next turn I make immediate interrupt against target at Str vs AC for 1[W]+3 damage. (Half-elven dilettante power)
Evasive Strike - Str vs AC (melee), Dex vs AC (ranged); 2[W]+3 damage. Special: can shift 3 squares (1+Wis mod) before or after attack.
Stalking Strike - Dex vs AC, If hidden when I attack I can make Stealth check to remain hidden if I have cover or any concealment; 2[W]+2 damage.


Jaws of the Wolf - Str vs AC (both hands), two attacks; 2[W]+3 damage per attack; miss equals half damage/attack.
Frenzied Skirmish - Str vs AC (both hands), two attacks; 1[W]+3 damage per attack, if attack hits, target is dazed until end of my next turn. If both attacks hit same target, it is dazed and slowed until end of my next turn. Special: Before or after these attacks, I can move my speed without provoking AO.


Magic Saber (scimitar)+2: (+4 to hit, 1d8+2 damage, crit=full weapon damage+1d8+1d6)
Lifedrinker Dagger +1: (+4 to hit, 1d4+1 damage, crit=full weapon damage +1d6 necrotic damage. When attack reduces target to 0 or less HP, I gain 5 temporary HP.)
Dagger (x2): (+3 to hit, 1d4 damage, 5/10 range)
Leather Armor +1
Thieves' Tools
Standard Adventurer's Kit
Desert clothing
Distillation kit
Healing potion (x3)
45 ceramic coins
350gp worth of favors (from merchant's quarter) and/or "Survival day" needs.

Shattered Lands