Location: Carthalo Fields
During Kaylob’s younger days, he wandered through the countryside with Hyno, making their way anyway they could. Carthalo Fields was a small village they happened upon, where Kaylob tended a field in exchange for a meal and a bed, though mainly he was after companionship. He met a young Erenlander girl who thought he was cute and padded around after him, barefoot in the fields. Being young and awkward, Kaylob didn’t know how to respond, so he just kept on working while she played with Hyno.
Kaylob met Merbahl here. Merdahl was asking this girl if she’d seen a woman and a boy come through looking like criminals, and Kaylob perked up. Eager to prove himself a man, he thought that catching some criminals would be quite an accomplishment. Kaylob spent two weeks trying to help Merdahl find his wife and son. They tracked for a mile and a half in every direction around town, asked everyone in the area at least twice, and even tried to use a divining rod with Merdahl’s son’s hair tied to the end. They appeared to have passed through without a trace.
Merdahl moved on to the next town, but Kaylob stayed on. That girl broke his heart within two evenings, thanks to the miller’s oldest boy.
Carthalo Fields is named after a hero who killed an orc with the orc’s own spear. Carthalo had to choose between giving the orc’s troupe all his farm’s yield that year and going hungry, or giving the orc’s troupe his daughters and wife. He chose a third option and became a hero for it. Not that his daughters and wife really appreciated it once they saw the other orcs stretch Carthalo’s innards out over the front of the barn. Those ladies might never have been heard from again, but the townsfolk remembered Carthalo’s rash act and named the place for him, as a warning to those foolish enough to be heroes.