A character in Carceres_et_Dracones
Biographical Info
- Artoraxes
- Male
- 35
- History and Personality A Short, Dark, Oily, obsequieous man with no sense of others personal space. Artoraxes hails from the Satrapies of An'Souf, client states on the edge of the empire. He is overfamiliar, superior, and wears an ostentatious but grubby Soothsayer's robe.
- Magic-User
- Level 1
- EXP 0
- 2500 XP required for next level
- Chaotic
- STR 10
- INT 11
- WIS 9
- DEX 8 (+1 penalty to AC, -1 to hit with missiles)
- CON 13 (+1 h.p. per hit die)
- CHR 5 (-1 Reaction Adjustment; 2 max. retainers; Morale of retainers: 5)
Combat Stats
- AC 9
- HP 5
- Move 120/40/120
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison 13
- Magic Wands 14
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone13
- Dragon Breath 16
- Rod, Staff, or Spell 15
Race and Class Abilities
Spell. Artoraxes has a Single Text, Al Kitaab Ah-Habibi, known in the Colloquial as The Evocation of Amicus
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance 120cn
- Armor None
- Weapons
- Dagger, three Throwing knives
- Gear
- Tinderbox, Lantern, 3 flasks oil, Satchel, Small Sack, Wineskin, Quart of wine, fire horn(a capped horn, filled with dry moss and a live coal)
- Mule, Saddlebags, week Standard Rations, Bedroll, Tarpaulin, 2xWaterskins,
- Coins GP 21 EP SP CP
- Treasure