316 ASIB M1E1
Mission One: Take out the SAM site
- Mission kill tally
- Thorn: 32
- Jackrabbit: 16
- Horse: 14
- Daisy: 11
- Graveyard: 5
- Screwtop: 4
Health/armour status
Using your medi-kits after the last encounter results in:
- Horse
- Jackrabbit
- Graveyard
- Screwtop (used armour)
- Daisy
- Thorn
Encounter 3
- Starting tokens: 6 (used one for automatic ambush)
- AA: 5
End of encounter
- Opposition
- Tokens: 0
- AA: 5
- Kills
- Jackrabbit: 11
- Thorn: 2
- Daisy: 1
- Horse: 1
Round 2
- Opposition
- Tokens: 1
- AA: 5
- Range bands
- Horse (C), Jackrabbit (C), Graveyard (M), Screwtop (M,A), Daisy (M)
- Thorn (M)
(M)=a mess, (C)=crippled, (A)=used armour
- Success
- Jackrabbit: use FA to attack, rolled 4 -> success!, +2 KILL, -1 TOKEN
- Graveyard: use FA to attack, rolled 3 -> success!
- Daisy: use FA to attack, rolled 3 -> success!
- Thorn: use FA to attack, rolled 2 -> success!
- Horse: use FA to attack, rolled 1 -> success!
- Failure
- Screwtop: use FA to attack, rolled 10 -> failure!
- Enemy: use AA to attack, rolled 10 -> failure!
Round 1
- Opposition
- Tokens: 5
- AA: 5
- Range bands
- Horse (C), Jackrabbit (C), Graveyard (M), Screwtop (M,A), Daisy (M), Thorn (M)
(M)=a mess, (C)=crippled, (A)=used armour
- Successes
- Screwtop: use NFA to move to near, rolled 7-> success!
- Jackrabbit: use FA to attack, rolled 7-> success!, +9 KILL, -1 TOKEN, MOVE TO NEAR
- Daisy: use FA to attack, rolled 4-> success!, +1 KILL, -1 TOKEN, MOVE TO NEAR
- Graveyard: use NFA to move to near, rolled 3-> success!
- Thorn: use FA to attack, rolled 2 -> success!, +2 KILL, -1 TOKEN
- Horse: use FA to attack, rolled 1 -> success!, +1 KILL, -1 TOKEN, MOVE TO NEAR
- Failures
- Enemy: use AA to attack, rolled 9 -> failure!
- Enemy use auto ambush special ability. Remove one TOKEN, each PC takes a KILL.
Health/armour status
Using your medi-kits after the last encounter results in:
- Horse (a mess)
- Jackrabbit (a mess)
- Graveyard
- Screwtop (used armour)
- Daisy
- Thorn
Encounter 2
- Starting tokens: 7
- AA: 5
End of encounter
- Opposition
- Tokens: 0
- AA: 5
- Medical report
- Horse (crippled)
- Jackrabbit (crippled)
- Graveyard (a mess)
- Screwtop (a mess)
- Daisy (a mess)
- Thorn (a mess)
- Kills
- Thorn: 30
- Daisy: 10
- Graveyard: 5
- Horse: 3
Round 3
- Opposition
- Tokens: 1
- AA: 5
- Range bands
- Horse (M), Jackrabbit (M), Graveyard (M), Screwtop (M), Daisy, Thorn
(M)=a mess, (C)=crippled
- Successes
- Enemy: use AA to attack, rolled 4-> success!
- Daisy: use FA to attack, rolled 3-> success!, +5 KILL, -1 TOKEN
- Graveyard: use FA to attack, rolled 3-> success!
- Thorn: use FA to attack, rolled 1-> success!
- Screwtop: use FA to attack, rolled 1-> success!, USED ARMOUR
- Failures
- Horse: use FA to attack, rolled 8-> failure!
- Jackrabbit: use FA to attack, rolled 8-> failure!
Round 2
- Opposition
- Tokens: 4
- AA: 5
- Range bands
- Horse, Jackrabbit, Graveyard, Screwtop, Daisy, Thorn
- Successes
- Daisy: use FA to attack, rolled 5-> success!, +5 KILL, -1 TOKEN
- Thorn: use FA to attack, rolled 4-> success!, +14 KILL, -1 TOKEN
- Graveyard: use FA to attack, rolled 3-> success!, +3 KILL, -1 TOKEN
- Enemy: use AA to attack, rolled 3-> success!
- Failures
- Jackrabbit: use FA to attack, rolled 10-> failure!
- Screwtop: use FA to attack, rolled 6-> failure!
- Horse: use FA to attack, rolled 6-> failure!
Round 1
- Opposition
- Tokens: 7
- AA: 5
- Range bands
- Horse, Jackrabbit, Graveyard, Screwtop, Daisy, Thorn
- Successes
- Thorn: use FA to attack, rolled 6-> success!!; +16 KILL; -1 TOKEN
- Graveyard: use FA to attack, rolled 5-> success!!; +2 KILL; -1 TOKEN
- Horse: use FA to attack, rolled 2-> success!!; +3 KILL; -1 TOKEN
- Failures
- Daisy: use FA to attack, rolled 8-> failure!
- Jackrabbit: use FA to attack, rolled 8-> failure!
- Screwtop: use FA to attack, rolled 6-> failure!
- Enemy: use AA to attack, rolled 6-> failure!
- Horse: 6 -> success!
- Jackrabbit: 4 -> success!
- Graveyard: 3 -> success!
- Screwtop: 10 -> failure!
- Daisy: 9 -> failure!
- Thorn: 7 -> failure!
- Enemy: 6 -> failure!
Encounter 1
- Starting tokens: 5
- AA: 3
End of encounter
- Opposition
- Tokens: 0
- AA: 3
- Kills
- Horse: 10
- Jackrabbit: 5
- Screwtop: 4
Round 2
- Opposition
- Tokens: 3
- AA: 3
- Range bands
- Daisy, Graveyard, Screwtop, Jackrabbit, Thorn
- Horse
- Successes
- Horse: use FA to attack, rolled 6 -> success!; +9 KILL, -1 TOKEN;
- Screwtop: use FA to attack, rolled 3 -> success!; +3 KILL, -1 TOKEN;
- Jackrabbit: use FA to attack, rolled 3 -> success!; +5 KILL, -1 TOKEN;
- Thorn: use NFA to move to near, rolled 1 -> success!; move to NEAR;
- Failures
- Enemy: use AA to attack, rolled 10 -> failure!
- Daisy: use FA to attack, rolled 9 ->failure!
- Graveyard: use FA to attack, rolled 7 ->failure!
Round 1
- Opposition
- Tokens: 5
- AA: 3
- Range bands
- Daisy, Graveyard, Screwtop, Horse, Jackrabbit, Thorn
- Successes
- Horse: use FA to attack, rolled 3 -> success!; +1 KILL, -1 TOKEN; move to NEAR;
- Screwtop: use FA to attack, rolled 2 -> success!; +1 KILL, -1 TOKEN
- Failures
- Jackrabbit: use FA to attack, rolled 10 -> failure!
- Thorn: use NFA to move to near, rolled 9 ->failure!
- Enemy: use AA to attack, rolled 8 -> failure!
- Daisy: use FA to attack, rolled 7 ->failure!
- Graveyard: use FA to attack, rolled 6 ->failure!
- Daisy: 5 -> success!
- Graveyard: 3 -> success!
- Screwtop: 2 -> success!
- Enemy: 2 -> success!
- Horse: 9 -> failure!
- Jackrabbit: 7 -> failure!
- Thorn: 5 -> failure!