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Character Sheet Format

Go into 'edit', and cut and paste the following format into your character page, and edit the values to suit your PC.

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Write a brief history of your PC here. Guards the twice weekly supply run from Pavis

"The giant jolanti who were made whole by the Aggar elves were called the Dringi to differentiate them from the more numerous normal-sized jolanti." [Different Worlds, Jun 1982. This article is now online.]

Character Details

  • Name: Jolanti or Dringi by the Aldryami of the Garden
  • Race: Human
  • Cults:-
    • Rune Level: Character cults go here
    • Initiate: PAVIS Opili the Wallmaker
    • Lay Member: Aldrya??, Daka Fal, Issaries
  • Social Condition: Townsman
  • Sex: Male
  • Previous Experience: Real City Armed Escort


Str: 17, Con: 15, Siz: 17, Int: 13, Pow: 10, Dex: 14:, Cha: 14.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: +1d6 Damage Dice
  • Hit Point Bonus/minus: +2HPs
  • Experience bonus: +3%
  • Encumbrance limit: 16

Skill Groups

  • Agility: +20%
    • Dance (30%/5%):-
      • Style: n%
    • Dodge (15%): 55%
    • Climb (25%): 85%
    • Jump (25%): n%
    • Tumbling (25%): n%

  • Aim: +10%
    • Catch (25%): n%
    • Throw (25%): 50%

  • Knowledge: +5%
    • Evaluate (10%):-
      • Treasure: n%
      • Trade Goods: n%
      • Art: n%
    • Read/Write Language (10/0%):-
      • Language Name: n%
    • Animal Lore (15%):-
      • Find cattle food: n%
      • Hunting: n%
      • Tending/Herding: n%
      • Training: n%
    • Folk Lore (30%) By culture/race.: n%
    • Mineral Lore (5%):-
      • Mining: n%
      • Caving: n%
      • Assess Mineral: n%
    • Plant Lore (25%):-
      • Find healing plants: 40%
      • Identify plants: 40%
      • Farming: 40%
    • World lore (15%):-
      • Find Water: n%
      • Survival: n%
      • Weatherlore: n%
    • Healing lore: (10%):-
      • Identify disease: n%
      • Indentify poison: n%
      • Doctoring: n%
    • Martial arts (0%): n%
    • River Lore (20%): n%
    • Spirit Lore (5%): n%
    • Star lore (Navigation)(10%):-
      • Trailblazing: n%
      • Seaborne: n%

  • Manipulation[Body]: +20%
    • Boating (10%): n%
    • Sailing (5%): n%
    • Craft, Physical (30%/10%) Sp:-
      • Armour/weapon/shield making: n%
      • Masonry/architect: 80%
      • Peaceful Cut/butchery: n%
      • Shiphandling: n%
      • Teamster/packhandler: n%
    • Swimming (15%): n%
    • Riding (5%): n%
    • Running (25%): n%
    • Drive Cart/wagon (15%): n%

  • Manipulation[Fine]: +10%
    • First aid (10%): n%
    • Treat disease/poison (5): n%
    • Sleight of hand (15%):-
      • Hide item: n%
      • Pick pockets: n%
      • Palm object: n%
    • Craft, Fine (30%/10)% Sp:-
      • Map making: n%
      • Netmaking: n%
      • Gemsmith/Jewelcraft: n%
      • Brewing: n%
      • Trapsmith: n%
      • Locksmith: n%
    • Devices (5):-
      • Lock pick: n%
      • Trap set/disarm: n%
    • Feign Death (10): n%
    • Foil Restraints (0): n%
    • Play Instrument (Var): n%

  • Perception: +10%
    • Listen (25)%: 75%
    • Scan (25)%: 65%
    • Sense (5%):-
      • Ambush: n%
      • Chaos: n%
      • Assassin: n%
    • Spot (5):-
      • Hidden items: 55%
      • Trap: 55%
    • Taste analysis (5%): n%
    • Tracking (10%): 50%

  • Stealth: +0%
    • Camouflage (10%): 60%
    • Hide (15%): 60%
    • Move quietly (15%): 50%
    • Ambush (5)%: 20%
    • Shadowing (10%): n%
    • Swim Quietly (Sp.): n%

  • Communication: +10%
    • Bargain (10%): n%
    • Orate (10%): 55%
    • Sing (5%): n%
    • Speak Language:-
      • Native (Int x 5): 75%
      • Aldyami (00): 25%
      • Tradetalk 25%
      • New Pavic 15%
    • Understand beast speech (10%): n%
    • Voice Mimicry (5%): n%

  • Social: +15%
    • Acting (10%): n%
    • Bribery (20%): n%
    • Fast talk (20%): n%
    • Disguise (10%): n%
    • Wise (30%/10%/5%):-
      • Streetwise: n%
      • Courtliness: n%
      • Nomad ways: n%

Hit Points and Armour

Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head Closed helm 6 number number 19-20
Left Arm Plate 5 number number 16-18
Right Arm Plate 5 number number 13-15
Chest Hv Scale Hauberk+padding 7 number number 12
Abdomen Hv scale Hauberk+padding 6 number number 09-11
Left Leg plate 6 number number 05-08
Right Leg plate 6 number number 01-04
  • Total Hit Points: 17HP

Weapons and Shields

  • Attack Bonus/Minus: +20%
  • Parry Bonus/Minus: +20%
  • Aim Bonus/Minus: +10%
  • Strike Ranks: Siz:(1)+Dex:(2)=(3)
Weapon/Shield Name Damage S.R. A.P. Attack % Parry % Range Enc.
Pole axe 1.5m 3d6+2 4 ap 80% 60% range enc
1H Broadsword 1d8+1+1d6 5 ap 60% 60% range enc
Thrown rock 1d4+1d3 sr ap 35% pry% range enc
1H hammer 2d6+2 sr ap 40% 40% range enc
Xbow 2d6+2 sr ap 35% pry% range enc
RH Dagger 1d4+2+1d6 sr 12 45% 45% melee 0
Fist 1d3+1d6 sr arm 65% pry% melee 0
Kick 2d6 sr leg 65% pry% melee 0
Head Butt 1d4+1d6 sr head 50% pry% melee 0
Grapple Special sr special 65% pry% melee 0


  • Power:-
    • Current Characteristic POW:
    • Current Available POW:
    • Current Stored POW:


  • Spirit One
    • INT:
    • POW:
    • Where Bound:
  • Spirit Two
    • INT:
    • POW:
    • Where Bound:
  • Spirit Three
    • INT:
    • POW:
    • Where Bound:

  • Battle Magic:
    • Strength
    • Healing 2
    • Bladesharp 3
    • Control Zebra
    • Food song
    • Silence ?
  • Rune Magic:
    • Evade 1.?


Str: Number, Con: Number, Siz: Number, Pow: Number, Dex: Number.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: +/- Damage Dice
  • Hit Point Bonus/minus: +/-HPs
  • Move Rate:
Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head Armour Type number number number 17-20
Left Foreleg Armour Type number number number 14-16
Right foreleg Armour Type number number number 11-13
Forequarters Armour Type number number number 08-10
Hindquarters Armour Type number number number 05-07
Left Hindleg Armour Type number number number 03-04
Right Hindleg Armour Type number number number 01-02
  • Total Hit Points: nHP
  • Attack Bonus/Minus: +/-%
  • Parry Bonus/Minus: +/-%
  • Aim Bonus/Minus: +/-%
Attack Damage S.R. Attack %
Bite damage sr atk%
Kick damage sr atk%
Rear and plunge damage sr atk%


  • Weapons:
    • List your weapons and shields here
  • Armour:
    • List you armour and clothing here
  • Other:
    • Loot 1400
    • 200 lunars spent on xbow 5%
    • 500L ransom