Steven Yoder (Dark Champions - New Venice)
"BTW, my superpower includes 'Being Awesome' and 'Did Your Mom'"
"Wow, these C.A.S. guys are a bunch of losers. I mean, what is with their facination of Thoureau? At least they aren't reading that Ayn Rand 30something everyman crap..."
"Killings bad. Unless they really got it coming, like a kid molester or some who texts during the movies, in which case get good at Afflecking the body."
"As much as I hate my former employers, I give them a healthy respect. Just like I'm nice and polite to a very large dog holding my junk between its teeth. You got any questions on dealing with these guys, let me know."
"And no furries or sparkly vampires."
Character Sheet
Steven Yoder
30 Str 20
15 Dex 10
18 Con 8
13 Int 3
13 Ego 3
20 Pre 10
6 OCV 15
6 DCV 15
4 SPD 20
10 PD 8
8 ED 6
12 REC 8
50 END 6
13 Body 3
46 Stun 13
Draynsa Formulation Theta
+5 Lightning Reflexes 5
+5 Perception with normal sight 5
8 PD/ED Resistant 8
That All You Got?-3 DC Damage Negation (Physical), only when at Half Body or Stun (-1/2) 10
Regeneration 1/Day 4
VIPER Underarmor(tm) bodysuit: 6 PD/4 ED, IIF (-1/4) 10 Active 8 Real
Multipower: Draysna Perception and Balance Enhancement Throwing Mastery (OIF -1/2 (Whatever's Handy), Restrainable-1/2 (Must be able to throw objects), Limited Range -1/4 Half Range), 52 Active Points 23
2f: Chin Music: 5d6 Blast (Vs PD), AoE Any Area (2 x2m areas, Selective, +1/2), x2KB (+1/2) 2
2f: Don't Crowd the Plate: 7d6 Blast, Penetrating (+1/2) (vs PD) 2
2f: Right Down the Middle: 8d6 Blast (vs PD), 1/2 END 2
Running +4m 4
Leaping +4m 2
Trust me, I've seen worse: +10 Presence, only to protect against Presence Attacks (-1) 5
Martial Strike 4
Martial Dodge 4
Martial Disarm 4
Breakfall 3
Defense Maneuver 10
KS: Viper 12- 2
PS: Viper Five Team Leader 11- 2
KS: New Venice 11- 2
KS: New Venice Criminals 12- 2
Climbing 3
Gambling: Sports Betting 2
KS: The Sports World 2
Paramedics 3
Streetwise 3
Stealth 3
Teamwork 3
Tactics 3
Scholar 3
+2 CSL w Throwing Mastery Multipower 6
+2 CSL w/ Hebjitsu 6
Well-Off (Courtesy of VIPER) 2
60 pts
Psychological Complication: Weighs all actions in light of redeeming his past and making a better world(Common; Strong) 15
Social Complication:Harmful Secret: Ex-VIPER Five Team Leader (Infrequently, Major) 10
DNPC: Teenaged Son (Normal, Infrequent, unaware of adventuring career) 15
Psychological Complication: Code Vs Killing (unless they really push it): Common, Moderate 10
DNP: "The Boys" (Rest of my 'retired' Five Team), Less Powerful, Useful Noncombat Skills, Infrequent, 4 members). 10