Character:Operative ALITIA

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  • Name: Operative ALITIA
  • Rank: 9
  • Careers: Assassin/Vindicare
  • Appearance: Standing at 5’6”, Operative ALITIA is short for an Imperial assassin. Her hair is close cropped red, and her eyes are blue. Her body is slim and narrow; her inhuman strength and agility bound up in her wiry genetically and bionically enhanced muscles. There’s a black stripe tattooed under each of her eyes. She wears plain, quiet and unobtrusive casual clothing when not on a mission. She favors shades of green. When on the job, she, of course, wears the standard skin-tight black stealthsuit and spy mask of the Vindicare assassins; though, of course, it is rare that she’s actually seen at all while on a mission.


  • WS 51**
  • BS 54****
  • S 34
  • T 32
  • Ag 55****
  • Int 19
  • Per 42*
  • WP 36*
  • Fel 22

  • Wounds: 20
  • Fate Points: 2
  • Corruption: 31
  • Insanity: 9

  • Total XP Spent: 13000
  • Unspent XP: 0
  • XP to next rank: 17000


Vindicare Stealth Suit

  • Head 3
  • R. Arm 3
  • L. Arm 3
  • Body 3
  • R. Leg 3
  • L. Leg 3


Acrobatics +20
Awareness +20
Climb +20
Concealment +20
Contortionist +20
Dodge +20
Intimidate +20
Search +20
Security +20
Shadowing +20
Silent Move +20
Speak Language (High Gothic)
Speak Language (Low Gothic)
Speak Language (Tribal Dialect)
Swim +20
Tracking +20


Assassin Strike
Basic Weapon Training (SP)
Berserk Charge
Combat Master
Crack shot
Dead Eye Shot
Exotic Weapon Training (Exitus Pistol)
Exotic Weapon Training (Exitus Rifle)
Exotic Weapon Training (Webber)
Furious Assault
Heightened senses (sight)
Hip Shooting
Leap up
Light Sleeper
Lightning Attack
Lightning Reflexes
Melee Weapon Training (Power)
Melee Weapon Training (primitive)
Mighty shot
Pistol Training (SP)
Quick draw
Rapid Reaction
Rapid Reload
Resistance (psychic powers)
Swift attack
Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive)


Iron Stomach: +10 to carouse checks to resist ingested toxins, poisons or tainted foods.
Primitive: -10 penalty on tech use and fellowship tests in formal or civilized surroundings
Rite of Passage: May spend a full action to make an intelligence test to staunch blood loss
Wilderness Savvy: Navigation (surface), Survival and tracking count as basic skills

Transition Package

The Art of Death (+5 BS, WS, WP and Ag; -5 Int and Fel; +1d10 insanity)

Mastered Skills

Paragon Talents

Ascended Traits

Temple Assassin: Reroll on Acrobatics, Climb, Contortionist and Swim; 5 extra reactions each round that can only be used for dodging or parrying. Can attempt to dodge any possible attack
Killing Sprint: After killing a target, get a +10 to BS or WS next turn; can stack up to +30.


Vindicare Stealth Suit
Vindicare Spy Mask
Recoil Gloves (rare pick)
Arms Coffer
Clip Harness/Drop Harness
Line Ascender
6 Tracking Devices
3 Pairs of Manacles

Exitus Pistol with red dot laser sight (Range: 30m; Rate S/3/-; Damage: 2d10+4 I; Pen 9; Clip 5; Reload Full; Accurate)
Exitus Rifle (Range: 200m; Rate S/-/-; Damage: 2d10+4 I, Pen 9; Clip 10; Reload Full; Accurate)
Exitus Hellfire round
Exitus Turbo Penetrator round
Exidus Shield Breaker round
Power Sword (Very Rare pick) (Damage: 1d10+8 E; Pen 6; Balanced, Power Field)
Webber (Rare Pick) (Range: 50m; Rate S/-/-; Clip 1; Reload Full; Blast 5, Snare
Mono Knife (Range: 3m; Damage: 1d5+3; Pen 2)


Operative ALITIA was recruited from the Deathworld of Taron Tertiary on her sixth birthday. She had not been given a name when Imperial agents arrived to claim the planet’s tithe in children; and her tribe gave her gladly, in exchange for the armaments and supplies provided by the Imperium. For that was Taron’s sole contribution to the rest of the Imperium: A handful of their children each generation; for, much like famous Catachan, to even survive to the age of six on Taron Tertiary meant that one was an extraordinary physical and mental specimen, with a dedication to survival that would put regular humans to shame.

She was transported to Terra, and given up to the Officio Assassinorum. For the next ten years, she was trained in the depths of the Temple Assassin Colleges; taught in the arts of murder by the master assassins who dwelt there.

She learned of poisons, of firearms, of swords and of bombs. Every conceivable method of taking another person’s life was drilled into her. The training was intensive, and many of her fellow students perished during the course of it. Only a handful made it through the death courses, firing ranges, deprivation training and extreme physical conditions.

On her sixteenth birthday, she completed her training at the primary College, and was seconded to the Temple Vindicare because of her natural aptitude for long arms. As part of her graduation ceremony, was formally awarded an identity, instead of the number she’d been given during training. Operative ALITIA. For another two years, she was trained in the specifics of sniping. She learned of patience, of finding the perfect spot to hide, and the beauty and art inherent in the kill. At the conclusion of this training, she was sedated, conditioned hypnotically and given the traditional genetic and bionic enhancements to make her more than human.

Her first mission, to prove herself, was a success, despite going all wrong. She was assigned to assassinate a traitorous governor during a speech before he could announce to the citizens of his world that he was abandoning the Imperium and taking their planet independent of the ‘corrupt lords of Sol’. Somehow, and she never found out how, he knew she was coming; canceled the speech and sent guardsmen to her sniping nest. She was forced to fight through them, hijack a car, make her way to the governor’s palace and terminate him in close quarters with her Exitus pistol.

Despite this, she was officially made a Vindicare assassin, and now began living in the Temple Vindicare as a full fledged operative, rather than a student; spending her days in meditation and training. For once skill has been obtained, it must be constantly sharpened else it be lost.

So far, ALITIA’s primary assignments have been in support of Inquisition operatives and acolyte groups; rather than targeted assassination missions; possibly due to how her first assignment turned out. Isolde is the latest Inquisitor she’s been assigned to, but the first one she’s been given to as a long term operative. She’s unclear as to the primary purpose as to why, but will, of course, serve to the best of her not insignificant ability.

Unlike most of her contemporaries in the Officio Assassinorum, ALITIA is not a lone wolf; her extensive experience with Inquisition assignments have, for better or for worse, made her rather more reliant on team structures and working with other Throne Agents. While she takes time to warm up to people, she has a tendency to be rather friendlier and easy going in social situations than most of her fellow assassins. And like many Vindicare Assassins, she has a rather dry and morbid sense of humor. It's only when she's on a mission with a target in mind that she turns cold and methodical; putting her entire soul and self into finding that one perfect shot.

She is also an avid lover an art; and keeps a small, but interesting collection in her quarters wherever she’s assigned. She’s fascinated by portraits and landscapes relating to the M37 crusade to reclaim the Terrok sub-sector from the Ork Warboss Kargore. She feels drawn to the style of art, for some reason, as well as the history of the sector, and can spend hours off duty absorbed in her collection.