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PL: 8 (120 pp)

ABILITIES: STR: 30 (+10), DEX: 12 (+1), CON: 30 (+10), INT: 14 (+2), WIS: 14 (+2), CHA: 14 (+2)

SKILLS: Bluff 4 (+6), Computers 2 (+4), Craft (artistic) 2 (+4), Intimidate 10 (+12), Investigate 2 (+4), Know (art) 2 (+4), Know (current event) 2 (+4)

FEATS: All-out Attack, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Power Attack, Startle, Stunning Attack, Taunt


  • Cold Control - 5,000ft Radius [10]

a.) alt. power: Create Objects [hardness 6] [6] a.1.) power feat: Progressive Size, 25ft [2] a.2.) extra: Duration - Continuous [6]

  • Enhanced Attribute: Constitution [12]
  • Enhanced Attribute: Strength [12] - DC:25:tough
  • Immunity: Extreme Cold [1]
  • Super-Strength [4] (Heavy 12.8 tons)

COMBAT: Attack +6 [Unarmed +10 (Lethal)]; Defense 16 (13 flat-footed); Init +1

SAVES: Toughness +10, Fortitude +10, Reflex +1, Will +4

DRAWBACKS: Vulnerability (to Fire/Heat attacks x 1.5 damage)

Abilities 30 + Skills 6 (24 ranks) + Feats 7 + Powers 54 + Combat 24 + Saves 2 – Drawbacks -3 = 120/120


Cheerful and outgoing, with a sense of adventure and trill seeker. He also has a strong sense of responsibility to use his powers for good… he just does not see anything wrong with having a good time while saving the world.

Physical Appearance

Billy is a heavy set, athletic young man with dark spiky hair and eyes. In his hero identity he coats his body in a freezing sheet of ice that hides his identity.

Battle Tactics

Big Chill likes to wade in and hit people. If he does not think they can take his super-powered haymakers, he will often try and stun them with his fists or will incase them under ice (create objects). For fliers and others who can keep out of his range, he likes to form up huge snowballs and toss them around…


Billy is a big athletic kid who bucked the trend of most other kids like him… he hated sports and loved art. Painting, drawing even some sculpting… these where his passions. He went to a local Art Institute to get his degree in Graphic Design and Adverting, and he often huge out at some of the local coffee shops and poetry houses. It was here that he met his girlfriend Jenny Lee, a brilliant nuclear physics student from State University who was also a big poetry writer. It was her first night reading to a crowd and Billy was hooked.

Never mind that she was a foot and a half shorter and no more then a third his weight, they seemed to click. One night while Bill was visiting her in the lab, there was an accident when one of Jenny’s rival students tried to sabotages an experiment she was running. There was an explosion, and Bill jumped in front of Jenny who was about to be splashed with liquid Freon… instead of killing him, the ice seemed to be absorbed by his body and stored there! Quickly Jenny and he released that he could do some pretty amazing things now and she encouraged him to try his hand as a superhero. The rest was history… or soon will be.