Carceres et Dracones: Alaric of Tournai
Biographical Info
- Name: Alaric of Tournai, Carceres et Dracones Campaign
- Gender: Male
- Age: 25
- Height: 5'10"
- Weight: 160 lbs.
- Hair: Black
- Eyes: Green-Black
- Skin: Pale
- History and Personality: Born to an upper class Salii family in Tournai, Alaric lacked for nothing in his early years. But the family's fortunes changed four years ago, when Alaric's father unwisely supported an upstart general with pretensions to the imperial throne. When the treasonous plot was exposed, nearly everyone who'd backed the would-be usurper was executed, and Alaric, who was just completing his magical studies at the time, escaped Tournai with his life and very little else. Since then, Alaric has roamed Centralia, doing odd jobs where he can, usually as a sell-sword, sometimes as a scribe. It all depends on who's paying and how much, and what advantage he can seize for himself. He longs for the day when he can build enough wealth to regain the privileged life he once had.
- Description: A lean, muscular man, above average in height, with wavy, shoulder-length black hair. In most light, his eyes are so dark green they appear black. His clothing is well-made but looks to have been mended many times. Its once rich colors have long since faded.
- Class: Dabbler
- Level: 2
- XP: 7999
- Next Level XP: 4000
- Alignment: Neutral
- STR: 13 (+1 to hit, damage, open doors)
- INT: 13 (read/write native languages, +1 added language)
- WIS: 9
- DEX: 9
- CON: 10
- CHR: 13 (+1 reaction adjustment, 5 retainers, retainer morale 8)
Combat Stats
- AC: 5
- HP: 6 (Currently 6)
- Move: 90/30/90
- Saving Throws:
- Death Ray or Poison: 12
- Magic Wands: 13
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 13
- Dragon Breath: 15
- Rod, Staff, or Spell: 15
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance
- Armor: Leather armor (200 enc, 20 gp)
- Weapon: 1 semispatha (30 enc, 7 gp), 1 dagger (10 enc, 3 gp), short bow and arrows (13) (30 enc, 30 gp)
- Shield: Medium round shield -2 AC (100 enc, 10 gp)
- Signet ring (100 gp)
- Backpack (80 enc, 5 gp)
- Rations, standard, 15 days
- Waterskin (1 gp)
- 6 torches (1 gp)
- Tinderbox, flint, & steel (3 gp)
- Spellbook
- Gems
- 1 X 500 gp (1 enc)
- 4 X 100 gp (4 enc)
- Coins
- 60 gp
Total Encumbrance: 435
- Barding, AC 5, 600 enc
- Magic Missile
- Sleep
- Cost of Living: 1200 gp, deducted 01/01/2011
- Adjusted XP to 7999, 01/01/2011