Aaron Barkover

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A player character in the PbP game TANGENT CROSSING.

Aaron Barkover was a good student in high school, although truthfully that was more from natural talent than any concentrated effort -- he mostly coasted.

Then came the graduation party. Someone in a neighbouring building had run afoul of a local gang, and the gangbangers weren't too careful about collateral damage when they did their drive-by. Many students were injured, and some were killed.

He was one of the latter. But by the time the authorities had arrived, he'd gotten better. And he'd realized there was more to life, more to the world, than he had ever allowed himself to imagine.

The story of his remarkable survival brought him to TANGENT's attention, and soon enough they'd recruited him. He can't throw cars, read minds, or shoot lasers from his eyes. He's basically an above-average normal, except that death isn't permanent for him. At least, it hasn't been yet.

Power Level 10

  • Power Points 150

Abilities, 40pp

  • Strength 16 (+3)
  • Dexterity 18 (+4)
  • Constitution 18 (+4)
  • Intelligence 16 (+3)
  • Wisdom 16 (+3)
  • Charisma 16 (+3)

Combat, 40pp

COMBAT: Attack Bonus 10, Defense Bonus 10 (5 flat-footed), Init 4

  • Move 30ft
  • Initiative (Dex) +4

Saves, 22pp

  • Toughness (Con) +9
  • Fortitude (Con+6) +9
  • Reflex (Dex+6) +10
  • Will (Wis+7) +9

Skills, 20pp

  • Acrobatics (+6) = 10
  • Bluff (+4) = 7
  • Computers (+5) = 8
  • Diplomacy (+6) = 9
  • Disable Device (+6) = 9
  • Drive (+5) = 9
  • Gather Info (+8) = 11
  • Intimidate (+8) = 11
  • Investigate (+8) = 11
  • Notice (+8) = 11
  • Sense Motive (+8) = 11
  • Stealth (+8) = 12

Feats, 5pp

Equipment 5

Powers, 23pp

  • Immunity: Aging
  • Immunity: Life Support
  • Regeneration: Resurrection, +9 to Recovery Roll, after 5 hours (Power Feat: Regrowth)