Nobilis Hydrarch:Butler the Butler

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Butler the Butler, Lord of Servants


Aspect 1 (5 AMPs)(3 Cp)

Domain 3 (4 DMPs)(6 Cp+3Xp)

Realm 2 (5 RMPs)(5 Cp)

Spirit 1 (5 SMPs)(3 Cp)

Wound Levels

  • 2 Surface
  • 2 Serious
  • 1 Deadly


Perfect Timing

  • It would not do for a Butler to be late for an important occasion
  • Major Creation of Time, Automatic, Local, Limited Utility, Uncommon.(5 Cp)

You Called, Sir

  • Any entity Butler considers his master may call on him at any time and Butler will conveniently appear.
  • Lesser Change of Position, Simple Miracle, Self Only, One Trick, Uncommon.(1 CP)

Your Tea, Sir

  • Butler can create, with a slight effort, reasonable and convenient items such as tea and cups, hairbrushes, tailored suits, or torches.
  • Lesser Creation of Useful Things, Simple Miracle, Local, Limited Utility, Uncommon.(1 CP)


  • Lesser Preservation of Self, Automatic, Self Only, Limited Utility, Common.(1 CP)

The Code of the Servant

  • Honour and Respect thy Master.
  • In all things Excel.
  • In all things, practice Discretion.


Respectful: Superiors
  • Butler cannot display rudeness in any way to any entity he considers to be his superior, including mortals. In general, this means any person with a noble rank, a mid-level military rank, the owner of a large company, or any religious leader.
Cannot Kill
  • The butler is always a suspect, but he never actually did it.



  • No power in heaven or earth can force Butler to be rude or dishevled.


  • 5: The Proper Place of the Working Man (and the Status Quo)
  • 5: Personal Appearance and Decorum
  • 3: The Chancel
  • 3: England!
  • 2: Cousin Adelia (prone to contracting unfortunate engagements)
  • 2: Personal Library


None, currently.


[Name Redacted] Butler was born to a prosperous middle class family in South London. He was employed, first as a hall boy and later at various higher-ranked tasks, by the Earl of Sidcup and his estate. He left the Earl's employ three years ago, entering the service of late Major-General Antimony Bushness. When General died, Butler almost immediately recieved an offer of employment from an unspecified party.

The letter, written in cramped spiraling letters, revealed that said unspecified party would be "indisposed, for a time" and his "earthly affairs" could use the tending of a keen and able servant. The significant cash advance removed any lingering doubts.

After following an extremely specific and curious series of transfers, side-journeys, and ritualistic gestures on the Underground, Butler found himself exiting a particularly dark passage into bright, costal sunlight.

His Commencement was sudden, unexpected, and surprisingly painful. An organized and rational mind does not deal well with excessive tampering, and Butler's mind was and is excessively organized and rational. He could feel every act of every employee, and, for just a moment, he was spread across ten thousand worlds and uncountable minds. His sense of duty and unflinching determination snapped him back like a rubber band.

After steading himself on a nearby parapet, Butler found his way to the correct complex. The doormen recognized him without a word: the monks he passed on the stairs bowed their heads.

Butler can hear the vague nondemnomentational prayers of servants, local or otherwise, sometimes without any special effort on his part. He also recieves rumours, secret information, and details untold without any apparent effort. Servants recognize him, perhaps unconciously, as a Lord of Servants. He knows he can inspire a servant to impossible feats or shatter their loyalty with a gesture. Without apparent effort he knows the correct title for any (undisguised) person, entity, or concept (a difficult proposition, to be sure) that he encounters.

His lifelong love of reading and observation has given him a keenly honed mind, able to discuss philosophy and fashion with equal ease. To intrude, interupt, override, or question a superior would be, of course, unthinkable. As the Lord of Servant he can command any being that serves... but has little hold on free men.


Closed black flower with six sharp petals, overlapping. The stem consists of tightly spaced leaves, and rises from a field of grass which melds into the background, standing in stark contrast to the black of the flower.

Untrained eyes might see only one flower, but Angels know that grass too blooms, even if the flowers are closed and hidden.