Cedric Gudricsson

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Campaign Link: RC D&D: Zeroes to Heroes

Biographical Info

  • Name Cedric Gudricsson
  • Sex Male
  • Age 16
  • Height 5' 7"
  • Weight 62kg
  • Hair Mousy, short cropped curls. No facial hair.
  • Eyes Blue
  • Skin Lightly tanned
  • History and Personality Cedric was the youngest son of a farming family. He had no patience for pulling up weeds though, and was always in trouble for running off when there was work to be done. After being taught hunting and fishing by his uncle, he could often get forgiveness for skipped chores by bringing home a salmon or rabbit for the table.

Too young to have learnt the boar spear, when hunting big game he was only carrying equipment for the more experienced huntsmen.

  • Description

Lightly built, healthy looking.


  • Class Thief
  • Level 1
  • EXP 500 (Req for Next Level: 1200)
  • Alignment Neutral

  • STR 10
  • INT 13 (+1)
  • WIS 10
  • DEX 15 (+1)
  • CON 13 (+1)
  • CHR 13 (+1, +1 reaction mod)

Combat Stats

  • THAC0 19 (+1 missiles)
  • AC 7 -1(dex) = 6
  • HP 7/7
  • Move 40'
  • Saving Throws
    • Death Ray or Poison 13
    • Magic Wands 14
    • Paralysis or Turn to Stone 13
    • Dragon Breath 16
    • Rod, Staff, or Spell 15

Race and Class Abilities

Profession: Hunter/Fisher

Weapon Proficiencies: One handed melee weapons and all missile weapons

Thief Abilities

  • Open Locks 15
  • Find Traps 10
  • Remove Traps 10
  • Climb Walls 87
  • Move Silently 20
  • Hide in Shadows 10
  • Pick Pockets 20
  • Hear Noise 30
  • Read Languages -
  • Use Scroll -

Gear and Treasure

  • Coins 100 GP 0 EP 7 SP 4 CP
  • Weapons
    • Normal Sword (1d8)
    • Dagger (1d4)
    • Club (1d4)
    • Sling (1d4, Range 40/80/160) (+1 to hit)
    • 4 pebbles (10cn)
    • 30 pellets
  • Armor
    • Dark brown Leather Armor (AC 7)
  • Mysterious Items
  • Gear
    • Work knife
    • Peasant clothes
    • Belt
    • NEW brown leather boots
    • Short woodland green woollen cloak
    • Brown waxed cloth hat
    • Fishing line
      • 2 bait hooks
      • 1 float
      • 2 snatch hooks
    • tinder box (5cn)
    • leather backpack
      • small hammer
      • 6 iron spikes
      • grappling hook
      • 50' rope
      • 3 flasks of oil
    • purse
    • lantern
    • small hessian sack, holds 200cn (1cn)
  • Transportation
    • Chestnut riding horse with white feet "Socks"
      • Saddle & harness
      • Saddle bags
        • tent
        • 1 week's dried rations
        • 1 week's fresh rations
        • 3 torches
    • River canoe
    • Suffolk punch (draft horse) "Red"
    • Cart
  • Treasure

Character in the RC Zeroes2Heroes campaign ($) = party loot