Richard Hawkins
Character Details
- Name: Richard Hawkins
- Nationality/Ethnicity: Native American (Cherokee) / Negro
- Age: 57. Age Group (5).
- Age at Change: 47
- Social Conditions (Current): here
- Sex: Male
- Height: 12. Mod: +5
- Weight: 8. Mod: avg
- Looks: 17. Mod: comely
- Recognition total: x
Character Story
Richard was your average typical kid that grew up in the inner cities, watching the building come up as well as down, his father worked at the local rail yard and his mother was a inner city school teacher. His siblings were older than him and so Richard had to grow up a bit faster then others. His older brother was a professional criminal and would on occasions use Richard as his fall guy.
Character Mechanics
Attributes and Talents
Attribute | Description | Scale | Effect | Effect Die | Talents | Description | Scale |
Strength | increased average | 4 | Damage Rate | 1d8 | Athletic | Low average | 2 |
Health | Low average | 2 | Healing Rate | 1d4 | Charismatic | Low average | 2 |
Deftness | Avg | 3 | Action Rate | 1d6 | Combative | heroic | 7 |
Speed | Avg | 3 | Initiative | 1d6 | Communicative | Low average | 2 |
Wit | increased heroic | 8 | Learning Rate | 1d10+3 | Esthetic | Avg | 3 |
Will | increased average | 4 | Resistance Rate | 1d8 | Mechanical | heroic | 7 |
Psi | Av | X | Effect Rate | 1dx | Natural | increased superior | 6 |
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | Scientific | increased heroic | 8 |
Derived characteristics
- Damage Resistance
- Light Wound: "Bulk + 1/2 Hlh+ 1/2(Str or Will)
- Serious Wound: x 2
- Major wound: x 3
- Load
- Unencumbered: Bulk + Str + Hlh + Dft (kg).
- Light : x 2
- Medium : x 4
- Heavy : x 6
- Movement
- Walk : 1 + (Spd + Height mod)/10 + Athletic/10. in m/sec.
- Jog/Trot : x 2
- Run : x 3
- Sprint : x 6
Skill Groups
- Physical skills
- Climbing:
- Notice:
- [Urban]1
- [Rural]
- Survival
- [Urban]2
- [Rural]
- [desert]
- [marine]
- Personal Transport
- Metalworking: (Blacksmith) ½
- Metalworking:Armorer ½
- Metalworking:Weapon smith 1
- Foraging ½
- Leather working/tanning 1 / ½
- Masonry ½
- Map making/reading 1/ ½
- Natural Medicines ½
- Navigation ½
- Packer ½
- Pioneer(survival) ½
- Preserve Food ½
- Salvage food ½
- Swimming ½
- Physical Knowledges
- Transport 2
- Tech Physical Skills
- Scuba dive(tu,swim) ½
- Basic research 2
- Lab research(tu) 2
- Tech Use 2
- Machining(tu) ½
- First aid ½
- omputer ops (tu) ½
- Skydiving Parachute 1
- (Halo, LALO, rigger (chute packer) ½, ½, ½
- Technical Knowledge
- Mech gen power ½
- Demolitions ½
- Gunsmith: mod/prim Wt+mech+scie 1, ½
- Hand loading.(tu) Dft+Wt+mech 1
- Aerial recon interpretation Wt+scie+esth ½
- Cbt engineering ½ (Wt+comb+mech)
- Encryption ½ (Wt+scie+esth)
- Forward Observer (tu) ½ (Wt+nat+comm)
- Operational command ½ (Wt+comb+comm)(Str Comm)
- Strategic command ½ (Wt+scie+comb) (tactics)
- Tactics ½ (Wt+comb+comm)
- Civil Engineer ½
- Industrial Engineer ½
- Electronic Security Systems 1
- Geology ½
- Botany [pre/post] 1 / ½
- Chemistry 1
- Mathematics 1
- Physics (Mathematics)1/2
- Zoology [pre/post] 1 / ½
- Cryptography ½
- Plastics forming ½
- Electrician ½
- Electronics (electrician) ½
- Hovercraft (tu) ½
- Train. (tu) ½
- Architecture (basic res, maths) ½
- Simple Explosives (chemistry,lab res) 1
- Distillation ½
- Hi Tech Physical
- High Technology use 2
- Pilot 1– spacecraft , triphibian, Multi engine, fixed wing jet, military, sub, vstol, rotary (helo) ½,½,½
- Robotics repair ½ (electronics, htu)
- RCV Ops 2 (htu)
- Mag-Field Maintenance 1 (electronics, htu, )
- Remote Sense Ops (htu) ½
- Vacc suit ½ (htu)
- Exo suit ½
- Zero g training ½
- Hi Tech Knowledge
- Complex explosives (Simple explosives, chemistry) 1
- Laser Technology (htu) ½
- Materials synthesisation [robotics] 1, ½ plastic (Chemistry, lab tech, Industrial engineer)
- Bioculture (Adv farming, lab res) ½
- Mag Field Engineering 1
- Cybernetics/robotics 2/ 1
- Power Generation-Electrical (physics, electrician, Mech gen power) ½
- Power Generation-Nuclear: Fission/Fusion (Electrical power Gen) ½ , 1
- Power Generation-Solar: (HT, Physics)½ Fuel production (Chemistry, lab tech)
- Fuel production - Hydride ½
- Fuel production -Petroleum ½
- Mag-Field Technology ½ (electronics, Electrical power Gen)
- Computing (htu) ½
- Computer Science:System/software ½ , 1 (math, Basic Res)
- Computer design ½ (electronics, mathematics, basic research, lab res)
- Interpersonal Skills
- Carousing/converse
- instruction 1
- Social Knowledges
- Culture
- [Pre Ruin]Pre ruin Culture 2
- [ Pre ruin ] Subculture (Academic/Research) 1
- [Post Ruin]Post ruin Culture 2
- Language
- American English
- social skill - forgery (English) 1
- social skill - gambling 1
- Literacy (English) Read / Write) 2
- Other
- Culture
- Civic Skills
- Admin/logistics 1 ½
- Combat, hth
- Brawling
- Evade
- Single Weapon
- Cbt, Missile
- Throwing
- Side arms: Primitive 1/2
- Side arms: Modern 1
- Long arms: Primitive 1/2
- Long arms: Modern 1
- Auto fire 1/2
- Archery: Bow/Crossbow ½ 1
- Support,Field wpns
- Archaic - Muzzle loading artillery, Siege engines.1/2
- Auto-weapon – Machineguns, Auto-cannon, AGL 1/2
- Artillery - Breechloading artillery, Mortar, Missile launcher 1/2
- Gunner - Direct fire cannon, guided missiles, DF rockets. 1/2
- Indirect Fire weapons - Grenade launcher, mortar. ½
- Rocket launcher – ATW, fire and forget missiles, RPG’s ½
Clothing and armour
Coverage | Type/description | Hardness | Armour Value. | Enc. | Material |
Where | What | x | x | equiv | types |
Where | What | x | x | equiv | types |
Where | What | x | x | equiv | types |
Where | What | x | x | equiv | types |
where | What | x | x | equiv | types |
where | What | x | x | equiv | types |
where | What | x | x | equiv | types |
- Average Armour Value: 'x
Weapons and Combat
- Base combat Stats:
- Initiative : x
- Action rate : x/2
Weapon Name | Skill (x) | Damage base | Damage mod | Damage type | Defence | Range PB/Sht/Med/Long/Ext. | Enc. |
Body | Brawling (x) | Str | 1+ Brawl/10 | Crush | Brawl/4 | close/short | -- |
name | |||||||
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name | |||||||
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- Personal Load
- Major Load
- Cached
- Personal Load - Encumberance
- Major Load - Container
- Cached - Location
- Load - Current
- Unencumbered:
- Light : x 2
- Medium : x 4
- Heavy : x 6
CWO-5 Richard Hawkins (FPJ/DV)
528th Sustainment Brigade,
Special Operations (Airborne)
Special Troops Battalion,
Robotic Division (Heavy)
Drone Section Chief
26-44 = 18 talent +1 psi=19
-1 physical, + 2 Wit, +1 Wil , +8 age group for age group 5
talents ( +8 age group)
Athletic 2
Char 2
Combat 7
communication 2
Esthetic 3
Mech 7
natural 6
science 8
Change roll 17
Damage Resistance: Bulk + ½ Hlh+ ½ [Str or Will]. 4.0+1.5+5 =10.5 (11)
Load: Bulk + str + hlh+ dft. [kg]. 4.0+5+3+4 = 16 kg
Movement: 1 + [Spd+Height Mod/10]+[Athletic talent/10]
Age group 5 [48-57]
Post: Pre ruin Culture 2, pre ruin Subculture 1, Literacy and tech use 2. social skill 1, social skill 1, High Tech use 2, Transport 2
Post ruin Culture 2
pre ruin Culture 2
Subculture (Academic/Research) 1
Literacy Read / Write) 2
Technology use 2.
social skill - forgery (english) 1
social skill - gambling 1
High Technology use 2
Transport 2
Automatic skills [Everyone].
Climbing 1
Survival [Urban]1 (1) rural, desert, marine
Notice [Urban]1
Brawling 1
Evade 1
Single weapon 1
Throwing 1
Carouse/converse 1.