Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny Tali
Mythical (Primary): Charisma; Psi; +4 to Psi overcharge; +4 bonus to Interaction checks; +1 to Fortitude, Reflex and Will; Enduring Belief: When you are dying, you aren't unconscious until you fail 1 Death Save.
Explosive (Secondary): Constitution; Psi; +2 to Psi overcharge; +4 to Athletics checks; +1 to Fortitude and Will. When you're Bloodied, every creature that ends its turn in a square adjacent to you takes 3 Fire and Sonic damage.
Mythic Critical: An ally you can see makes a Basic Attack at +2 as a Free Action.
Mythic Novice - Mythic Strike: At-will, Melee or Ranged Weapon, Physical, Psi. Cha+Weapon Accuracy+Lv vs. AC. 1[W]+Lv+Cha modifier Physical Damage, and one ally within 5 squares either makes a Saving Throw with a +2 Bonus or gets 5 Temporary HP.
Explosive Novice- Controlled Demolition: At-Will, Fire, Psi, Sonic. Standard Action, Close Burst 2. Each creature in burst. Con+Lv vs. Reflex. Does 1d6+Con+Lv Fire and Sonic damage, and pushes target 1 square. If you're bloodied, add 1d6 damage.
Mythic Utility - Miraculous Recovery: Encounter, Minor Action, Close Burst 1. You and each ally in burst. Everyone either makes a Saving Throw or regains HP equal to your level.
Ability Scores
Str 12 (+1)
Con 16 (+3)
Dex 10 (+0)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 16 (+3)
Cha 18 (+4)
Acrobatics +3
Athletics +8
Conspiracy +4
Insight +6
Interaction +15
Mechanics +4
Nature +6
Perception +6
Science +4
Stealth +3
Armor: Heavy Armor:+7 AC, reduced Speed by 1. TBA.
Melee: Heavy 2-Handed Melee: +2 Accuracy, uses Str/Con, 2d8+Str/Con+Lv damage. TBA.
Ranged: Heavy 2-Handed Ranged: +2 Accuracy, Str/Con, 2d8+Str/Con+Lv damage, 10 Square range. TBA.
Other: laptop, two cell phones, binoculars and a riding horse.
HP/Blooded: 38/19
Speed: 5
AC: 20
Fortitude: 18
Reflex: 14
Will: 19
Initiative: +3
Alpha Mutation
Life Leech (Dark, Necrotic) You drain another creature's vitality to bolster yourself.; Standard actiion, Close burst 3.; Target: Each creature in burst.; Attack Level + 3 vs Fortitude; Hit: 5d8 + Constitution modifier + twice your level necrotic damage, and you gain 5 temporary hit points for each target you hit.; Overcharge 10+: you gain 5 + twice your level temporary hit points for each target you hit instead of 5.; 9 or less: After the attack you take 5d8 necrotic damage, and each target gains 5 temporary hit points.
LMAO (Psi, Psychic) You cause a creature to find hilatiry in everything.; Standard action, Ranged 10.; Target: One creature; Attack level + 3 vs Will; Hit: 4d6 + Charisma modifier + twice your level psychic damage, and the target is dazed and slowed (save ends both).; Overcharge 10+; The tager also falls prone and takes a -5 penalty to savings throws against this power.; 9 or less: You also hit yourself with the power.
Omega Tech
Gunsight Orbiter (O; U; Area 52) This silver drone hovers in front of your forehead, telepathically imparting targeting data to your mind. Head; Power: Encounter; Free Action, Personal; Trigger: You deal damage with an attack; Effect: The triggering attack deals 2d10 + your Wisdom modifier extra damage to the target.; Salvage 5: A 5th-level character can salvage the gunsight orbiter. It becomes a head item with the following property: You gain a power bonus to damage rolls with ranged attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Gunport Armor (O; R: Ishtar) [i]This heavy armor provides good defense, and some good offense too when the gun ports work correctly.[/url] Armor: Heavy; Power: Encounter Physical; Minor Action, Ranged 10; Attack: Level + 6 vs. Reflex; Hit: 2d10 + Constitution modifier + twice your level physical damage.; Salvage 4: A 4th-level character can salvage the gunport armor. It becomes heavy armor: +7 armor bonus to AC; you gain resist 5 physical.
Rad Armor (O; R: Ishtar) This metallic-black powered suit protects you from harm by releasing a burst of rads at a nearby enemy when you’re damaged. Armor: Heavy; Power: Encounter Radiation; Immediate Reaction, Close Burst 2; Trigger: You take damage; Target: One creature in burst; Attack: Level + 6 vs. Reflex; Hit: 3d8 + Constitution Modifier + twice your level radiation damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).; Salvage 6: A 6th-level character can salvage the rad armor. It becomes heavy armor: +7 armor bonus to AC; resist 10 radiation.
Grav Mortar (O; U; Area 52) “It’s called the ‘G-force’ game. Now try to stay on your feet!” Weapon: 2-hand ranged; Power: Encounter Physical; Standard Action, Area Burst 2 within 20; Target: Each creature in burst; Attack: Level +6 vs. Fortitude; Hit: 2d8 damage + Constitution modifier + twice your level physical damage. In addition, you knock the target prone, and the target is immobilized (save ends).; Miss: Half damage, and target is slowed (save ends).; Salvage 8: An 8th-level character can salvage a grav mortar. It becomes a heavy 2-hand ranged 15 weapon: Str/Con; +2 accuracy; 3d8 physical damage; and you knock the target prone.
Alpha Deck
1. Duality
2. All a Dream
3. Inhabit Corpse
4. Mind Killer
5. Psychic Illusion
6. Psychic Reversal
7. Cloud the Mind
8. Beguiling
9. Confusion
10. Empathic Healing
11. Force Field Generation
12. LMAO
13. Teleportation
14. Hostility
15. Know-It-All
16. Narcolepsy
Omega Deck
1. Disruptor Pike
2. Cerametal Armor
3. Autodoc
4. Gunsight Orbiter
5. Energized Armor
6. Grav Mortar
7. Photonic Spear
8. Electrostaff
9. Fusion Lance
10. Black Ray Gun
11. Phoenix Neurojack
12. Rad Armor
13. Gunport Armor
14. Omniscient Goggles
15. Jet Boots
16. Marauder Armor