War Without End Fury of Russ

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Mars Class Battlecruiser Fury of Russ

Speed: 4

Maneuver: +5

Detection: +15

HI: 85

Armour: 26/22

Turrets: 2

Space: 100

SP: 104

Weapon Capacity: 1 Prow, 1 Dorsal, 2 Port, 2 Starboard

Morale: 117

Crew Population: 102

Machine Spirit Oddity: Stoic

History: Turbulent Past (-20 with IN, +20 with IG)

Essential Components

Jovian Pattern Class 5 Drive

Strelov 2 Warp Engine

Ship Master's Bridge

Castellan Shield Array

Emergency Gellar Field

Ancient Life Sustainer

Clan-Kin Quarters

M-201b Augur Array



Double Launch Bay

Sunsear Laser Broadside


Double Launch Bay

Sunsear Laser Broadside


Nova Cannon


Star-flare lance

Supplemental Components

Armored Prow



Trophy Room

Murder Servitors

Observation Dome

Drop Pod Bay

Shrine to Russ

Vaulted Ceilings

Stormtrooper Detachment

Veteran Crew

Crew improvements