Megazver's Gamma World Game

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This is the wiki for Megazver's Gamma World Campaign, The Mu Town Mutant Mutiny!


In-Character Thread

Out-Of-Character Thread


(Just edit your stats and names in, dudefellas. Or just edit your names in and I can add the stats myself, I guess. Jerks.)

Name AC Fort Ref Will HP Init Resistance Vulnerability Notes
Aminita 18 18 13 14 35 +0 Necrotic 10 Immune to Disease
Geordy 14 18 15 16 32 +1 Resist 5 while bloodied
Tragicus Abstrong 18 15 13 14 25 +0 Electricity 10 Immune to Disease
Talinum 20 18 14 19 38 +3 Aura 1: Fire/sonic 3 while bloodied
Mi-Mi 17 12 17 16 23 +4 Land on feet when falling less than 50ft

D&D4E to Gamma World Cheat Sheet

  • Add +1 per level to d20 rolls, instead of +1 per 2 levels.
  • Second Wind is a minor action and restores your bloodied value in hit points.
  • You can make someone else use their Second Wind with a standard action. No skill check required.
  • Ammunition tracking is abstract. If you fire a gun once an encounter, you are "conserving ammo." If you fire it more than once, you are "going bananas" and will be out of ammo at the end of the encounter.


Gamma World Power Lists - Roll on these tables to generate Alpha Mutations and Omega Tech.

Gamma World Card List - The full text of the Gamma World power cards.