EQrpg: Norrathians

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Revision as of 01:40, 20 January 2006 by Bihlbo (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the home page of the Norrathian Adventures campaign Wiki!

Setting Information

  • Timeline: Norrathian Adventures takes place just after the discovery of Velious. Currently, all of the continents of Norrath have been "discovered".


  • Beastlords are a playable class for appropriate player races, even though these races have not yet had exposure to the vah shir on Luclin. This class is treated as an established group in the various societies, and not a "new" group just building numbers, as would be the case just after travel to Luclin became possible.
  • Some spells that originate from the Luclin setting, and later EverQuest settings such as Planes of Power, may find their way into this setting.