Negima: High School Magical Mao
Mao Kurosawa
Power Level: 7
Power Points: 102/105
Abilities (48)
Str – 6, Sta – 3, Agl – 4, Dex – 2, Fgt – 5, Int – 0, Awe – 1, Pre – 3
Advantages (6)
Attractive 2, Defensive Roll 3, Language: English
Skills (10)
Acrobatics 2 (+6), Athletics 2 (+8), Deception 3 (+6/+11), Expertise: Stringed Instruments 3 (+6), Perception 2 (+3), Ranged Combat: Webbing 6 (+8), Stealth 2 (+6)
Initiative: +4
Unarmed +8, Close, Damage 6
Web Shot +8, Ranged, Affliction 6 (Hindered, Immobile, Incapacitated, Extra: Ranged)
Defense (7)
Dodge: 8
Fortitude: 3
Parry: 8
Tough: 3/6
Will: 1
Powers (31)
Jorogumo Magic (Morph 1)
Spider Body (Extra Limbs 4 [Extra: Continuous], Leaping 4, Movement 1 [Wall Crawling]) Web Shot (Affliction 6 [Hindered, Immobile, Incapacitated, Extra: Ranged])
Thrills – Mao lives to have fun
Phobia – Mao hates, HATES, dogs
Quirk – Some people can detect that something is just not quite right about Mao.
Mao was born in a small town in rural Japan and grew up not knowing her true nature. She didn't feel different even though some kids didn't like her at first sight, that's a perfectly normal part of growing up right? Dogs didn't like her either and would often attack her. Stupid dogs, how she hated them.
She finally found out that she was a Jorogumo when a monster hunter visited her town. He slapped some kind of paper charm on her and she turned into a human sized spider. That wasn't good. So she had to move on. She kept on moving until she ended up in the US.
The US was fun. She started playing the guitar and meet lots of nice people, got into a nice school. Now if there was only less dogs...