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The Hollri ( for that is what it is) failed its thrown icicle attacks.

[B]Palmir[/B] gets a Shield parry [B](Tick)[/B], [B]Proxenus[/B] de nada.

The creature attacks at SR 4 with its 2h spear.

Palmir at SR 5 if he so wishes.

[B]Proxenus[/B] attacks at SR 4 but has the higher dex he gets 11% in the head with 7 points of dam....but....the spear fails to visibly damage the foe!

A simultaneous attack by the hollri targets Proxenus, who [URL=""]fumbles[/URL]! and looses his shield to a [URL=""]broken strap[/URL].

The blow does [URL=""]12 pts of damage to Proxenus' left leg[/URL]. Down he goes....

Palmir sees his chance and strikes at the demon and [URL=""]hits[/URL] the creature in the right arm, but does no visible damage