Norrathians: Ogr Traditions

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You can always choose a +2 attribute bonus in place of the traditions otherwise given for your race. Traditions that may only be taken once are denoted by an asterisk.


Made by Zek*:

You gain the Steadfast feat. You also gain a +2 racial bonus to avoid being tripped, bull rushed, or knocked prone.

Conditioning of Oggok:

You gain a +4 bonus on your saving throw against any dazing or stunning effects and to all saves to avoid detrimental environmental effects. (doubling: stacks)

Rallosian Tactics*:

Once per day for a duration of 1 round per character level, all of your melee attacks deal +1 slashing damage, and you gain a racial bonus of fire resistance (2) and +1 to saves against effects with the [fire] descriptor. Every ten levels after this ability is selected the bonuses and duration doubles. That is, if you select this ability at level 10, then at level 20 it would last two rounds per level and grant resistance (4), +2 to saves, and +2 slashing damage.

Make ‘em Run*:

Ogres know how to use their size as an advantage better than most. You gain the Brutish feat. You also gain a +4 bonus to avoid being demoralized.


You’re big, ugly, and mean, but can you take a good stabbing? Yes you can! You gain +1 natural armor and DR 1/bludgeoning. (doubling: stacks)

Memory of Defeat*:

The tales of the defeat of the ogres fills you with unmatched fury. You gain the ability to Rage once per day. This is identical to the (barbarian class) ability in the d20 SRD. Every 10 levels after choosing this ability you may use it an additional time per day.

Pack Ogre*:

Consider your Strength score 10 points higher when calculating your carrying capacity. Also, treat each load category as one load lighter for the purposes of determining your maximum Dexterity bonus while carrying a load.

Shrug it off:

You can take a serious beating. You can convert 2 points of physical, non-magical lethal damage per round into an equal amount of non-lethal damage. (doubling: stacks)

Lifted Curse:

You gain +1 Intelligence and Charisma, and a racial bonus of +1 to all Charisma-based checks. (doubling: stacks)

Bellow of War*:

You have the supernatural ability to let out a tremendous roar once per day. This causes everyone within 30 feet to become dazed for one round, and then deafened for 2d4 rounds. With a successful Fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier + your character level the daze effect is negated and the deafening lasts only 1d4 rounds. Creatures who have experienced the Bellow of War and who know it is coming gain a +2 circumstance bonus to resist the deafening effects for each previous Bellow they have witnessed.

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EQrpg: Norrathians