Norrathians: Wef Traditions

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You can always choose a +2 attribute bonus in place of the traditions otherwise given for your race. Traditions that may only be taken once are denoted by an asterisk.



Your keen senses are always fine-tuned to your surroundings. You gain a +4 racial bonus to Perception, Search, and Sense Motive. This skills are always class skills for you.

Tunare’s Breath:

You gain +3 Charisma and +2 Wisdom, but lose -1 Strength and -1 Intelligence. (doubling: stacks)


You’ve always enjoyed running, and it shows. You gain +5 base land speed. In wooded areas this increases to +10.

Born in the Canopy:

You gain a +4 bonus to Survival checks, and to avoid detrimental environmental effects. (doubling: stacks)

Arcane Enemy:

You gain a +1 attack bonus against arcane spellcasters. When dealing damage to arcane spellcasters, their Channeling DC (if any) is +2. (doubling: stacks)


You gain the Non-Threatening feat. For the purposes of this feat, you are considered a Small-sized creature.

Faydwer Armament:

You gain a +1 attack bonus with all metal-free weapons made of leather or wood (excluding ammunition). Additionally, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC versus all natural weapons, and metal-free weapons made of leather or wood. (doubling: stacks, max +3)


Once per day you gain a +30 bonus on a single Sneak check. If someone is watching you while you make this check, they gain a +15 bonus to see you, and the results of this check end as soon as you move 5 feet. (doubling: +1 use/day)

Herbal Protection:

You gain disease resistance (3) and +3 racial bonus to saving throws against disease effects. (doubling: stacks)

Combat Precision*:

Once per day for a duration of 1 round per character level, all of your melee attacks deal +2 piercing damage, and you gain DR 5 against piercing damage. Every ten levels after this ability is selected the bonuses and duration doubles. That is, if you select this ability at level 10, then at level 20 it would last two rounds per level and grant DR 10 and +4 damage.

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