Deeds of Princes/Timeline of Hellas

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A very rough timeline so players can have an idea of the history of the Hellenes.

The first Age

Yr 0 The Hellene gods awaken and uplift the Hellene peoples

Yr Yr 600-700 The Hellenes began to colonize their home system

Yr 956 Contact with the gods is lost, Then a being called Kronos appears and claims to have eaten them and threatens to do the same to the Hellenes his defeaated and his body is cast into the systems sun, but there is a cost the sun goes supernova and wipes out the Creta system

Yr 1001 The Hellenes began to colonize new systems spliting into three groups the Athenians, the Spartans and the Atlanteans

Yr 1007 First contact with a non-Hellene race the Amazoran

The Second Age

Yr 1039 First inter-Hellene war as the various groups via for dominance

Yr 1175-1177 The First Hellene-Amazoran war

Yr 1191-1197 The Machina revolt

Yr 1200 The first apperance of the Scylla who emerge from the black hole named Karibdis

Yr 1300-1316 In a bid to ensure peace with the Amazoran a peace treaty is signed and following the traditions of the Amazoran a male Hellene is sent to marry the Amazoran leader he is Elan of Troy. On route to Amazoran space he is kidnapped by the Zoran this leads to what is later called the Traoan wars

Yr 1326 First contact with the Kyklopes

Yr 1350 First contact and war wit the Goregons, Formation of the Delphoi Legion.

Yr 1356 Due to deteriorating relations and the discovery of their Biological experiments. the other Hellenes declare war on them and the Atlantean/Hellene war begins.

Yr 1356-1375 The war wages with many casualties, entire worlds are wiped out. The Goregons ally with the Atlanteans.

Yr 1381 The Hellenes discover the Nymphas who where enslaved by the Goregans

Yr 1397-1408 The Atlanteans change tactics and the Hellenes are forced on the defensive and begin to loose ground

Yr 1409 The Goregans change sides forcing the Atlaneans to fight a war on two fronts

Yr 1416-1417 The Hellenes launch a final desperate strike at the Atlantean homeworld causing it to sink into slipspace finally ending the war.

The Third Age

Yr 1601-1810 A long period of peace for the Hellene people including peaceful contact with two races the Zintar and the Nephelai

Yr 1817 A second incursion by the Scyllans, but is quickly stopped

Yr 1824 The first Pan hellenic games are held, and be re-held every 12 years.

'Yr 1880 Peloponnesian War begins as Sparta launches a bid to win political control of the Hellene peoples

'Yr 1880-1941 The war continues with little sign of ending

Yr 1941-1947 Contact with a being called Circe that demands the sacrifice of 1 million men, it is eventually fought off

Yr 1948-2050 The civil war continues with the balance of bar changing several times. During this period due to corruption the Delphi league is disbanded.

Yr 2050 Zoran begin to reappear from exile

Yr 2086 On advice of the Oracle the Delphic Legion is reformed

Yr 2090 The Scylla re-appear once more in huge numbers

'Yr 2087-2099 Extended war between the renegade Prince Bydeles with a combined Zoran-Scyllan fleet and the Hellene peoples

Yr 2100 The Kyklopes homeworld is destroyed

The Fourth Age

Yr 2101 Sparta is destroyed and then a message is sent to Athenoi "Surrender or face the fate of Sparta" the Atlanteans have returned.