Star Trek Intrepid/Ort

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Commander Thot Ort

Name: Thot Ort

Species: Breen

Rank: Thot (tentative Starfleet rank of Commander)

Position: Tactical Operations / Security Chief

Phrase about past: Thot Ort is a defector whose motives have thus far remained a mystery to all but some.


Beauty: W

Courage: 3

Cunning: (4+1) 5

Strength: 2

Prowess: 3

Wisdom: 2

(Racial free point assigned to Cunning, as shown above)


Refrigerated Suit

Invoke: The very fact that Thot Ort is dependent on his refrigerated suit conversely means that he is more or less immune to cold hazards, environments, etc

Compel: Without the Refrigeration Suit Ort cannot survive, ans therefore his hand is forced in situations where the integrity of his suit could be compromised

Cold Outlook

Invoke: The harsh conditions on the planet Breen have shaped the psychology of the species. Used to making snap decisions that ultimately lead to the maximum conservation of energy and the minimum loss of material, Thot Ort is extremely fast at reaching workable conclusions that get things where they should.

Compel: This particular outlook is alien to many species within the UFP, and Thot Ort is spectacularly unfamiliar with the subtle moralities that pervade all Starfleet operations. Suffice to say, what is to him an excellently executed solution will to others often seem more of a diplomatic disaster.

Prime Directive

Invoke: Concealing your identity and race on pre-warp planets.

Compel: Forced to abide by the local customs of a non-spacefaring culture.


Type-2 Phaser, Communicator Badge (+ Prototype Translation Unit), Refrigeration Suit


To say that there are far more questions than there are answers surrounding Thot Ort would be a feat of understatement in itself. The few hard facts available inform us that the Breen 'joined' Starfleet, more or less, in the closing phases of 2369. Those who quite understandably questioned the presence of one of the members of the UFP's most persistent, albeit low-key adversaries, was quickly and in hushed tones informed that Ort was a 'political defector' in need of 'asylum'. No further comment was made, least of all by the Thot himself, save for an occasional electronic grunt. Whispers circulate of Starfleet Intelligence involvement, and even something containing the number 31, but nothing of substance.

After a few months, Ort was attached to the USS Barentsz, now apparently considered a fully-qualified member of Starfleet, even attaining an automatic rank of Lieutenant Commander because Command considered it to be the closest equivalent to that of a Thot. Ort himself has never been heard to use the rank Lt. Commander, persisting in the use of Thot. The crew of the Barentsz was given a slightly more coherent reason for Ort's presence: That he was part of the very early steps of a possible understanding between the UFP and the Breen, that he acted as an emissary, and that he should be made to feel at home as much as possible. Ort himself made no comment on the subject. Save for the occasional electronic grunt.

The aforementioned electronic grunt caused one particular team of Starfleet linguists and engineers a lot of grief. The standard Universal Translator had considerable difficulty translating the Breen's astoundingly concise electronic speech, to such an extent that a new prototype had to be developed, and worn by Ort himself. The device, still somewhat rudimentary, crudely superimposes a bland human male voice over the Breen's own, expressionlessly approximating his rasping utterances. The device does little to add to Ort's charm as a commanding officer. As if the hulking stature, intimidating helmet and incongruous refrigeration suit weren't bad enough.

Ort's stint on the Barentsz was a brief one. Though admittedly little short of a tactical mastermind, Thot Ort was, by Starfleet standards unnecessarily harsh and uncommunicative. When he DID communicate, things did not go much better. He was quickly reassigned to a succession of other ships, where once again he was met with suspicion, hostility and conflicts of values. The apparent flimsiness of Starfleet's excuses to keep him in active service hints at ulterior motives. Thot Ort isn't about to break his silence on the subject.