Forgotten Kingdoms, Fallen Lands
The Players
Our illustrious cast.
- Bruce Leenomorph, playing Ash, the Elf Monk from a time long ago, when snakemen ruled the world
- Davi The Eccentric, playing Canas Evermeet, the Human Warlock from the present day
- Ferrus Animus, playing Tacticus, the Shardmind Warlord|Druid with memories from people all over time
- Kacie, playing Cruxus, the Dragonborn Warlock from the ruins of Arkhosia
- Nalyd, playing Orion Pax, the Warforged Paladin from the future
- UnknownCorrespondent, playing Nik Chopper, the Warforged Fighter missing a past
Loot, loot, glorious loot. If you have any specific wishes, put them here.
- Rod of Corruption (I plan on taking Dual Implement Spellcaster soon, and some of my standard pact boons are kind of meh.)
- A neck-slot item with a decent Property. I'm not especially picky about what.
- Something about bracers increasing damage on basic ranged attacks.
Nik Chopper
- Bracers of Mighty Striking
- A better Neck item - Brooch of Shielding, or Ornament of Alertness (Nik stands watch since he doesn't sleep, but he needs Perception).
Orion Pax
- Command Circlet
Brief Character Sheets
Ash AC 18, Fort 15, Ref 17, Will 16; HP 29/29, Surges 8/8 (7HP); Action Points 1 React/Int: OA +7 vs AC, 1d10+2 Default Action: Canas Evermeet AC 17, Fort 17, Ref 17, Will 14; HP 35/35, Surges 10/10 (8HP); Action Points 1 React/Int: OA +6* vs AC, 1d4+1; Pact Blade deals 1 dmg to cursed enemy that attacks Canas in melee *) Probably +1 from Prime Shot Default Action: Stay at range, using Eldritch Blast, range 10, +7 vs Ref, 1d10+5 dmg Cruxus AC 18, Fort 15, Ref 14, Will 17; HP 33/33, Surges 9/9 (11HP); Action Points 1 React/Int: OA +3* vs AC, 1d4+2 *) Probably +1 from Prime Shot Default Action: Stay at range, using Eldritch Blast, range 10, +7 vs Ref, 1d10+5 dmg Nik Chopper AC 19*, Fort 19, Ref 12, Will 13; HP 37/37; Surges 12/12 (9HP); Action Points 1 React/Int: OA +11 vs AC, 1d12+6**, enemy stops moving; CC +11 vs AC, 1d12+9** vs marked adjacent enemy shifting or attacking others *) +1 per milestone **) +2 from Bear's Strength? Default Action: If engaged; Reaping Strike unless minions are present, then Cleave. Both are +11; 1d12+6. RS does half damage on a miss, C does 5 to another adjacent foe (will target a minion). If not engaged, move to attack nearest foe(s), then as above. Mark target if it is still there. Tacticus AC 19, Fort 14, Ref 17, Will 16; HP 30/30, Surges 8/8 (7HP); Action Points 2; Resist 5 psychic React/Int: OA +5 vs AC, 1d8+1 Combat Leader, Grants +2 init to allies that can see you; Strong Warning, Grant +5 to all defenses and an MBA when ally is hit, use when anyone is downed or hit for more than 50% of max damage. Insightful Presence, 1/enc, Grants +2 to all defenses when ally spends an AP Default Action: Use Direct the Strike to give BAs to those that can use them. Alternatively use Grasping Tide on clumps of enemies. Adara AC 20, Fort 14, Ref 14, Will 15 (+1 to all defenses vs. bloodied creatures); HP 35/35, Surges 8/8 (8HP); Action Points 1; Resist 6 Necrotic, Resist 6 Radiant React/Int: OA +8 vs AC, 1d8+4 Default action: In melee, providing flanking etc. Word of Exchange (with Rune of Protection on a defender if target is marked, otherwise Rune of Destruction). If target wants to be at range, Word of Binding [both are +8 vs AC, WoE does 1d8+4 damage, WoB does 3 damage]. If people are hurt, use Rune of Mending; if things are serious, use Shield of Sacrifice.
Ditzie 101
How does that battlemap site we're using work anyway?
Follow the latest ditzie link you find in the thread. The tokens are moveable, move yours and any enemies you manhandle as needed. Press enter to save. You get an url, paste this in an sblock in your post. The next player in line will be using your url, you're not "saving over" my battlemat, we're generating new ones all the time.
To add shapes, just drag it from the toolbar at the top, double-click it to get a big list of differently-colored shapes to choose from. For bonus awesome, change the text to something descriptive and click the speech bubble to save it.
Shift-click-drag to change a token's dimensions. For speed, just drag your pointer far above and to the left of the token to set it to the minimum size (which is pretty sensible for condition markers). Alt-click-drag clones a token, handy for curse markers.
Advanced class: Double-clicking a shape brings up a lot of interesting settings. Most interesting is probably the browser at the top. Click "Beta" to get to root level, then find the directory named "Hellzon" (Ash's token, should be near the bottom). In the "Characters" directory, there's a wolf token for Tacticus' summoning power.
Ditzie tokens
- Bloodied: Red Circle
- Cursed, Etc: <color> Pentagon
- Dying: Black X
- Marked: <color> Triangle
- Prone: Green Circle
- Blinded: Black Circle
- Dazed: Gray Square
- Deafened: Blue Circle
- Dominated: Black Square
- Helpless: White X
- Immobilized: Cyan Circle
- Ongoing Damage: Red Star
- Petrified: Orange Circle
- Restrained: Magenta Circle
- Slowed: Purple Circle
- Surprised: Cyan Square
- Stunned: Blue Square
- Unconscious: Gray X
- Weakened: Gray Circle
- Miscellaneous: <color> Star
- Cruxus: Blue
- Canas: Green
- Orion Pax: White
- Nik: Gray
Appendix N
A collection of useful sources.
- Ecology of the Dragonborn (Dragon 365) - Decent primer to ancient Arkhosia