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- Main Page; Parade Way Blues



Hers was a traditional New Pavis family and holds to the old values, not those of the empire. Saskia rebelled by becoming an admirer of the Empire, and running away from home to earn a living by adventuring. It's been about 10years since she left and she wasn't intending to come back but sometimes fate plays tricks on one. She realised a long time ago that the empire isn't that great but since it's the reason she gives for leaving home she can't bring herself to admit she was completely wrong.

Saskia is the 3rd daughter she has 2 brothers and 2 sisters. The girls were always short changed by the parents as they felt the boys needed more education, more freedom and more material goods. Both her sisters accepted their lot in life and cheerfully married and settled down to being good wives and mothers. Saskia however resented the care and attention lavished on her brothers. She was often getting into trouble, several times impersonating her younger brother and taking his place in class (her brother was happy to escape these) particularly the more physical ones. A real blow up occurred when her father discovered that she’d been taking her brother's sword play classes. Possibly the family would have accepted if she’d been accepted into the Vinga cult, after all they were related to Anratha the Frontierswoman. Her refusal to even contemplate it, brought down her parents wrath.

She was locked up, her family watching her carefully and not allowing her to leave the house alone. Unfortunately for her family Saskia was more determined than ever to go her own way. She’d met an adventurer in the market and his tales of his life had drawn her and the fact that he kissed well didn’t hurt. When her parents locked her up she thought of running away with him, but by the time she could engineer an excuse to go to the market he’d left on another adventure. It took several months of mealy mouthed sucking up behaviour before her parents relented enough to let her move about freely and if they’d known what she was up to, they’d have locked her up and thrown away the key. Using her upcoming wedding as an excuse, she would go out shopping, ask for monies to pay for things she didn't buy or bring home things she'd charge to her father. Once she had enough money to buy passage on a ship she was out of there, leaving her father with several sizable bills for a wedding that would never happen. She didn't really feel guilty she had told her father that she wasn't marrying that fat slug.

Saskia never did catch up with the adventurer, but she did manage to get on with the auxiliaries. Her skills in swordplay and roughhousing improved rapidly with use and she started to make a name for herself. Not her real name of course, she’d left that behind when she ran away, She’d called herself Saskia after her favourite aunt, besides she liked the alliteration, hoping one day to earn the title Saskia the Swordswoman. She did a five year stint before she was let go after being badly wounded. The wound eventually healed but it was some time before she was able to work, it meant things got very tight for a while. She decided once she was fit she wanted something that paid better, so she tried her hand at adventuring. It turned out to be much more profitable, but once again a bad mauling put her out of action. Now healed up but with her funds almost gone, she’s washed up in Pavis and a job in the watch should give her the necessary breathing space to get herself back into shape.


People you know.

Character Details

  • Name: Saskia
  • Race: human
  • Cults:-
    • Rune Level:
    • Initiate: Pavis, Seven Mothers
      • Sub Cults: Yanafil Tarnils
    • Lay Member: These are religions that you are affiliated with in a small way
  • Social Condition: Civilised
  • Sex: Female
  • Previous Experience: Auxiliaries as swordswoman, general adventuring as a hired sword +10 years initiate, 1 year watch


Str: 12, Con: 12, Siz: 14, Int: 13, Pow: 14, Dex: 17:, App: 11.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: +1d4
  • Encumbrance limit: 26 Encumbrance.

Skill Groups

  • Agility: 4%
    • Boat (05): xx%
    • Climb (40): 44%
    • Dodge (05): 19%
    • Jump (25): 29%
    • Ride (05): 41%
    • Swim (15): 19%
    • Throw (25): 65%

  • Knowledge: +3%
    • Animal Lore (05): 8%
    • Craft --- (10): xx%
    • Craft --- (10): xx%
    • Craft --- (10): xx%
    • Evaluate (05): 10%
    • First Aid (10) : 55%
    • Human Lore (05): 53%
    • Martial Arts (00): xx%
    • Mineral Lore (05): 8%
    • Plant Lore (05) : 8%
    • Read/Write Pelorian () : 13%
    • Read/Write : xx%
    • Read/Write : xx%
    • Read/Write : xx%
    • Shiphandling (00): xx%
    • World Lore (05): 11%

  • Manipulation: +11%
    • Conceal (05): 30%
    • Devise (05): 30%
    • Sleight (05): 16%
    • Play Instrument (00): xx%

  • Perception: +8%
    • Listen (05): 41%
    • Scan (25): 61%
    • Search (25): 33%
    • Track (05): 13%

  • Stealth: +3%
    • Hide (10): 27%
    • Sneak (10): 13%

  • Communication: +8%
    • Fast Talk (05): 16%
    • Orate (05): 26%
    • Sing (05): 13%
    • Speak (New Pavic) (30): 41%
    • Speak TradeTalk (15): 23%
    • Speak:Pavic Argot xx%
    • Speak: Pelorian 10%

Hit Points and Armour

Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head bronze helm 5 5 1 19-20
Left Arm Cuirboilli 4 3 .5 16-18
Right Arm Cuirboilli 4 3 .5 13-15
Chest Cuirboilli 6 3 2 12
Abdomen Cuirboilli 5 3 1 09-11
Left Leg Cuirboilli 5 3 1 05-08
Right Leg Cuirboilli 5 3 1 01-04
  • Total Hit Points: 13 HP

Weapons and Shields

  • Attack Bonus/Minus: +11%
  • Parry Bonus/Minus: +/4%
  • Strike Ranks: Siz: 2 +Dex: 2 = 4
Weapon/Shield Name Damage S.R. A.P. Attack % Parry % Range Enc.
RH Weapon Club 1d6+1d4 6 4 35% 29% xxm .5
1H Scimitar 1d6+2+1d4 6 10 89% 29% xxm 1.5
RH Hurled Stone 1d4+1d2 2/7 -- 31 % -- 20m xx
Composite Bow 1d8+1 2/7 7 56% xx% 120m .5
2H Sling 1d8 3 2 36% xx% 100m .1
LH Shield Target 1d6+1d4 7 12 21% 71% xxm 3
RH Sica /Dagger 1d4+3+1d4 7 8 47% 19 % xxm .5
Fist 1d3+1d4 7 7 58% 29% xxm xx
Kick 1d6+1d4 7 7 21% xx% xxm xx
Head Butt 1d4+1d4 7 26% xx% xxm xx
Grapple Special 7 special 36% xx% xx xx


  • Power:-
    • Current Characteristic POW: 14
    • Current Available POW: xx
    • Current Stored POW: xx
  • Gift and geas
    • +10% to attack with Scimitar
    • Never dodge when that weapon is in your hand


  • Spirit One
    • INT:
    • POW:
    • Where Bound:
  • Spirit Two
    • INT:
    • POW:
    • Where Bound:
  • Spirit Three
    • INT:
    • POW:
    • Where Bound:

  • Battle Magic:
    • Bladesharp 2, Detect enemies 1, Protection 1, Speedart 1,Multimissile 1


  • Rune Magic:
    • True Scimitar


  • Name: xx
  • Breed: xx

Str: xx, Con: xx, Siz: xx, Int: xx, Pow: xx, Dex: xx.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: /-xx'
  • Move Rate: xx
Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head hide x x xx 17-20
Left Foreleg hide x x xx 14-16
Right foreleg hide x x xx 11-13
Forequarters hide xx x xx 08-10
Hindquarters hide xx x xx 05-07
Left Hindleg hide x' x xx 03-04
Right Hindleg hide x x xx 01-02
  • Total Hit Points: xxHP
  • Attack Bonus/Minus: +/-xx%
Attack Damage S.R. Attack %
bite 1d8 x xx%
kick 1d6+3d6 x xx%
Attack Type Damage xx%
Attack Type Damage xx%


  • Weapons: .
    • Scimitar
    • Sica dagger.
    • Composite bow
  • Armour:
  • Other:Mule
    • At home: Regimental Ring mail armour, helm
    • Sack,pack, tinderbox, water skin, bed roll,120 lunars, Clothing.
  • Magic Items:

- Main Page; Parade Way Blues