SoF Exalted/TMA

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Supernatural Martial Arts


General Requirements

To use any form of Supernatural Martial Arts, you must have an Awakened Essence. This is represented by having an Essence Affinity Ability and an Essence Pool track. Anyone with any of the "basic packages" can thus learn some form of supernatural Martial Art. Minimum Power TL is 2.


Many supernatural Martial Arts styles come with limitations on them, such as elemental aspects which restrict how they can be used. Elemental-aspecting means taking Limitations on each one, which reduce their cost. There are other forms of restriction, all of which reduce the cost. Guidance on how much they should reduce a Power by are given in the table below.

AP Cost     Limitation
 -1         Armour restriction (only light, only non-metal armour, only metal armour, etc)
            Weapon restriction (only wood, or only a short list of three weapons, etc)
            Requires component (eg drugs, alcohol, dance)
 -2         Unarmoured only (Power does not function when armoured)
            Unarmed only (Power does not function when using a weapon)

As always, a Limitation cannot bring the cost of a Power under 1AP.

See page 199 of the SoF rulebook for more details.

Terrestrial Martial Arts

Terrestrial Martial Arts are the only form of supernatural martial arts that mortals and other non-Exalts can learn. They are the lowest tier of supernatural martial arts, but also the most commonly learned.


To use Terrestrial Martial Arts, you must have an Awakened Essence and a minimum Power TL of 2.


Terrestrial Martial Arts are Powers, but are quite restricted in terms of both scale and scope. On scale, you may not spend more than your Power TL+1 on any single power. None may be taken to the superheroic level, that's the preserve of Charms and Celestial Martial Arts For scope, only ever from the list below:

  • Absorption*
  • Armour
  • Augmented Movement
  • Body Weaponry*
  • Enhanced Endurance**
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Enhanced Strength**
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Imbue Armour or Shield*
  • Imbue Weapon*
  • Poison*
  • Power Attack - Melee
  • Resistance*
  • Weapon Mastery
*Some of these may be more appropriate for Sorcery than TMA
**Enhanced Endurance and Enhanced Speed are custom-made Powers, see below.

Custom Powers

Enhanced Endurance

Base AP Cost: 2AP

Activation: Fate Point

Activation Time: Free Action

Duration: Scene

You gain the ability to become inhumanly durable, gaining the Aspect Enhanced Endurance when this power is activated, as well as the following benefits

Stress Boxes: +2 Stress boxes.

Other Rolls: For other uses of Enhanced Endurance, you gain a +3 bonus.


+2 (Passive): Your Enhanced Endurance is "always on" and you do not need to activate it.

See page 177 of the SoF rulebook for more details.

Enhanced Speed

Base AP Cost: 2AP

Activation: Fate Point

Activation Time: Free Action

Duration: Scene

You gain the ability to become inhumanly strong, gaining the Aspect Enhanced Strength when this power is activated, as well as the following benefits

Stress Boxes: +1 Stress box.

Other Rolls: +3 WR to uanrmed punches and kicks or adds +3 to the WR of melee weapons. For other uses of Enhanced Strength, you gain a +3 bonus.


+2 (Passive): Your Enhanced Strength is "always on" and you do not need to activate it.

See page 178 of the SoF rulebook for more details.


Terrestrial Martial Arts are generally elemental-aspected, and thus have restrictions relating to those elements. For example many Air-aspected styles cannot be performed in armour. The (water-based) Terrestrial Hero Style uses only swords and spears aside from martial arts weapons.

Celestial Martial Arts


To use Celestial Martial Arts, you must have an Awakened Essence and a minimum Power TL of 4.



Sidereal Martial Arts


To use Sidereal Martial Arts, you must have an Awakened Essence and a minimum Power TL of 5.

