Rabbit (aka SD, aka the Steel Detective, pejoratively known as the Tinman.)
Rabbit's official history:
Rabbit's real history (To be edited soon): (Spoiler alert: no one living except the Rabbit and his Nemesis know this information. Other characters will not know this.)
Rabbit was once a scientist by the name of Edward Moreau, born in 1776. His work in the field of climatology and the increased use of coal in Britain was unfunded until an anonymous donor began supplying him with large sums in exchange for information. He was asked to essentially spy on the other faculty at Oxford and report back on their projects. This work became increasingly unsavory, but now his patron began blackmailing him by threatening to reveal his previous indiscretions.
This culminated with his final project, which was to recruit another noted scientist for his patron's research by kidnapping his daughter. Edward reluctantly did so since he was promised that it was only a threat, and that Edward would be allowed to see to her to safety. Edward snuck into the house, took the girl with the aid of a sleeping draft (along with her velveteen rabbit) and was in the process of sneaking downstairs when he heard the sound of police at the door. He fled to the back of the house and unfortunately ran into the midst of the scientist's laboratory. In a terrible accident, Edward over turned a table of highly volatile chemicals causing a catastrophic explosion. Edward's spirit was transferred into the rabbit as a curious side effect apparently caused by a combination of strange fumes, curious geological formations in the area, and strange sun spot formations. The girl died, the house burned down, and half the police were killed.
The mysterious patron: fox. This is what rabbit knows about Fox:
Fox used Edward as much as he could, then set him up to be captured by the police. For this reason, Rabbit hunts him, partly to redeem himself, and partly to find out what other damage he caused.
Fox attempted to locate the ark of the covenant and succeeded in finding a cursed sarcophagus. He used this sarcophagus to unleash a plague on Cairo (1821) but Rabbit successfully found and destroyed the artifact after only a fifth of the city was dead.
Fox tried to use his sun machine to turn Beijing into a pool of molten lava. Rabbit recovered the sapphires Fox had stolen to fuel the machine and helped break it with fake crystals (1849).
Fox apparently helped instigate the Civil War, and did succeed in framing John Wilkes Booth for the assassination of Lincoln. Rabbit discovered this after the fact through his investigations in 1866 and chased Fox out of America.
Fox started a death cult in Punjab and tried to use them to overthrow the British government. Rabbit lead the authorities in a successful raid that prevented this (1886).
Fox wiped out twenty settlements in Northern Canada (1901) near a new mining shaft. Rabbit discovered this and traced in back to the Fox in 1904, but was not able to determine why it happened.
Rabbit knows that Fox can change his face and body at will, and apparently has the ability to control the will of those around him and develop wonders of science and engineering. Rabbit does not know that Fox's goal is to create constant warfare and chaos across the globe. Fox wants the world to be as mutable and chaotic as Fox is.
Fox's trademarks are mysterious disappearances, sudden cult uprisings, and destruction for the sake of destruction.
Oh, and Rabbit doesn't let on about his unsavory origin. He tends to hide that little part. Hence his two dots in cipher.