Dawn of the Third Age/Untouchable Horror Visage

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Untouchable Horror Visage
Cost: 4m (-1m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Shrouded By Vileness

Though Anapuul’s visage is generally horrifying to behold, a closer look reveals that it is made up of a billion billions of tiny, equally sickening pieces. This Charm acts as a perfect parry. Focusing upon some specific detail of her horribleness, be it physical, spiritual or even more abstract in nature, the Infernal projects this particular vileness, forcing the enemy to avert their attacks for that moment, lest they catch a glimpse too much of the Infernal’s nature. This Charm carries the Imperfection of That Thing That Lurks Beneath. This Charm reduces its cost by one mote when used against attacks made by characters with a negative Intimacy towards the Infernal. As a note, it is still effectual against nonsentient attackers, such as most traps, Anapuul’s vileness can move even unfeeling metal to tears.

Imperfection of That Thing Which Lurks Beneath
Anapuul wallows in the hatred of her peers even as she despises it, drawing upon the strength that comes from being noticed, for better or worse, a trait she retained from her former incarnation of That Most Wondrous Chime. Charms with this Imperfection suffer a three mote surcharge when there are not at least (Infernal’s Essence) individuals with an Intimacy towards the Infernal within (Essence*10) yards. If there is no one with an Intimacy toward the Infernal in this area (the Infernal herself does not count) the surcharge increases to five motes. If there is no such person within (Essence) miles, the Charm cannot be used at all.