Fortunato Walker

Biographical Info
- Name Fortunato
- Sex Male
- Age 40?
- Height 5'9"
- Weight 140
- Background: The stars are up, and the earth is down. Sometimes I meet people, and sometimes I meet the same people again as I walk a path that is random or determined by a force I cannot see. Threads combine and divide, with knots and splices that carry meaning. In meaning there is something, a remaining, a capability. I have been called fool and wizard by people I imagined I met. They are not here now, or perhaps I am somewhere else. When I feel a path under my feet, I walk. When I am hungry, I eat. When I see a frayed bit of rope, I pick it apart or repair it as seems best. When I weave magic, people in my dreams give me gold. The gold I still have in my pocket, but the people are not there. I will find the place where the people go.
- Class Magic-User
- Level 3
- Level Title
- XP 5,049
- XP required for next level 10,000
- Alignment Lawful
- STR 8 (-1 to hit/damage/open doors)
- INT 6 (-10% xp)
- WIS 13 (+1 saving throw bonus)
- DEX 11
- CON 13 (+1/die hp)
- CHR 11 (max retainers 4, morale 7)
Combat Stats
- AC 9
- HP 13/13
- Move
- Saving Throws (WIS bonus +1 may be applicable)
- Death Ray or Poison 13
- Magic Wands 14
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone 13
- Dragon Breath 16
- Rod, Staff, or Spell 15
Race and Class Abilities
- Spells
- 1st Level (2): Charm person, Detect magic, Floating disc, Hold portal, Light, magic missile, Protection from evil, Read languages, Read magic, Shield, Sleep, Ventriloquism
- 2nd Level: Web
- Currently memorized: Magic missile, Sleep, Web
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance
- 6 normal daggers 60 cn
- 3 flasks of oil nisc
- 1 lantern nisc
- 50' rope nisc
- 1 mirror nisc
- 1 wk. iron rations nisc
- 1 backpack nisc
- 1 large sack nisc
- 1 small sack nisc
- 1 qt wine nisc
- 1 wine skin nisc
- 1 pouch wolfsbane nisc
- Total encumbrance 60 (daggers) + misc (80) + unspent coin = 275 cn
- Normal move 120/rnd
- Armor none
- Weapons Dagger (6)
- Gear
- 6 normal daggers 18 gp
- 3 flasks of oil 6 gp
- 1 lantern 10 gp
- 50' rope 1 gp
- 1 mirror 5 gp
- 1 wk. iron rations 15 gp
- 1 backpack 5 gp
- 1 large sack 2 gp
- 1 small sack 1 gp
- 1 qt wine 1 gp
- 1 wine skin 1 gp
- 1 pouch wolfsbane 10 gp
- 1 mule 30 gp
- Total spent 105 gp
- Coins 135GP EP SP CP
- Treasure