Negima: High School Magical Mina

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Mina Von Shwartzerdt


Str -1

Sta 3

Dex 0

Agl 0

Fgt -1

Int 4

Awa 5

Pre 1


Init +0

Spectral Blast: +4/+6 Attack, +6 Ranged Damage


Parry 3

Dodge 3

Tou 3/11

Fort 3/6

Will 8


Perception +8 Insight +11 Stealth +4 Athletics +1 Technology +5 Expertise (Magic) +14 Treatment +5 Deception +5 Persuasion +5 Intimidation +6 Investigation +8 Ranged Attack (Spectral Blast) +4(+6)


Languages 3 (Native German, English, French, Latin, Arabic)


Wealth 3



Magical Power 7


"Galvanometric Blaster"/The Dead Man's Arm: Enhanced Feats and Skills 5 (Ultimate Aim, Improved Critical (Spectral Blast), Ranged Attack (Spectral Blast) +2, Precise Attack 2 (Ranged, Conceal/Cover)), Easily Removable (-2) (3)

"Trans-Octotheric Vibrational Barrier Watch"/The Clock of the Last Hour: Protection 8, Enhanced Fort Save 3, Immunity 2: Critical Hits Removable (-3) (12)

"Supraetheric Ultronic Goggles"/The Glass Darkly: Senses 5: Sight Penetrates All Concealment, Easily Removable (-2) (3)

"My Amazing Technomagical Talents!"/The Dark Art of Necromancy: Spectral Blast: Ranged Damage 6, Affects Insubstantial 2, and Healing 2, Self only, Reaction (Spectral Blast harms living being); Check Required 4, Deplete 1 (18)

[SFX: A screaming spectral skull surrounded by black and green lightning flies screaming at the target.]

--AE: The Thing About Being A Necromancer Is Always Having Someone To Help Empty The Garbage: Move Object 5, Close, Area (Burst), Selective, Precise, Affects Insubstantial 2, and Quickness 5; Deplete 1, Check Required 4 (1)

[SFX: Assorted Ghostly spirits manifesting and making themselves useful while Mina works]

--AE: We Talk To The Dead. It's Kind Of The Point: Senses 4 (Postcognition) and Remote Sensing 4 (Sight,Hearing, and Postcognition); Enhanced Skill 1: Perception +2; Deplete 1, Check Required 2 (1)

[SFX: Looking through the eyes of the spirits of the dead, or summoning and talking to them, or both at once, really.]

--AE: GIVE MY CREATION LIFE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAoops: Summon 5, Variable Type, Continuous, Permanent, Attitude (Indifferent), Active, Side Effects, Heroic, Multiple Minions 2, Check Required 6 (1)

[SFX: Causing an undead creature to manifest physically! Side Effects: Summons a PL 7 or so *Hostile* undead creature, or sometimes a *horde* of lower PL zombies...]


Secret/Prejudice: Necromancers are not popular. Even for those who have no conceptual problem with their magic, when it goes wrong, it *really* goes wrong, and nobody really wants them as neighbors. Therefore, Mina's trying to disguise herself as a Steampunk Technomancer, with only strictly limited success.

Oh, and Mages are secret, too. Better be careful with all those summoned spirits, huh?

Obsession: UNLOCKING THE SECRETS OF LIFE AND DEATH AND... ahem. Mina is very, very curious about anything that might be related to her magical researches, and has no judgment about when to not poke at things.

Accident: Mina, well... she has a lot of magic for her age. But rather less control over it. Sometimes, even when she's not trying to cast a dangerous spell, something will go wrong, and her magic will, say, summon an overly-affectionate long-decayed zombie St. Bernard.

Awkward Family: Mina's family will occasionally try to be helpful and supportive of their young scion. This is, of course, *total death by embarassment.* For one thing, some of them don't grasp that mages and especially necromancers are supposed to be secret when they send her care packages...