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  • Name: Alaric Flynn
  • Rank: 9 (Ascended)
  • Careers: Guardsman - The Art of Death - Vindicare Assassin
  • Background:
  • Appearance:


  • WS: 60
  • BS: 69
  • S: 35
  • T: 44
  • Ag: 63
  • Int: 25
  • Per: 40
  • WP: 37
  • Fel: 25

  • Wounds: 18
  • Fate Points: 1 (of 2)
  • Corruption: 25
  • Insanity: 29

  • Total XP Spent: 13, 150
  • Unspent XP: 550
  • XP to next rank:


  • Head: 3
  • R. Arm: 3
  • L. Arm: 3
  • Body: 3
  • R. Leg: 3
  • L. Leg: 3


Awareness (Per): +20

Barter (Fel)

Carouse (T)

Charm (Fel)

Climb (S): +10

Command (Fel)

Concealment (Ag) : +20

Contortionist (Ag)

Deceive (Fel)

Disguise (Fel)

Dodge (Ag): +10

Evaluate (Int)

Gamble (Int)

Inquiry (Fel)

Intimidate (S): T

Logic (Int)

Scrutiny (Per)

Search (Per)

Shadowing (Agi): T

Silent Move (Ag): +10

Speak Language <Metallican Hive Dialect> (Int): T

Speak Language <Low Gothic> (Int): T

Swim (S): T

Tech-Use (Int)

Tracking (Int): T


Two-Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) (Full action to attack with two ballistic weapons at -20)

Mighty Shot (+2 damage with ranged attacks)

Quick Draw (Ready as a free action)

Lightning Reflexes (Add twice (Agi) bonus to initiative rolls)

Rapid Reload (Reload times reduced by half)

Deadeye Shot (Called shots are -10 (BS))

Sharpshooter (No penalties for called shots)

Ambidextrous (Use either hand equally well)

Talented (Tracking) (+10 to Tracking)

Dual Shot (Fire two pistols as a full action with single BS test)

Talented (Shadowing) (+10 to Shadowing)

Hard Target (When charging or running, BS tests to hit you are -20)

Marksman (*Elite) (No penalties for firing at long or extreme range)

Crack Shot (+2 damage when ranged attack causes critical damage)

Leap Up (Stand up as free action)

Heightened Senses (Sight) (+10 to sight-based tests)

Pistol Training (SP)

Pistol Training (Las)

Basic Weapon Training (Las)

Basic Weapon Training (SP)

Melee Weapon Training (Prim)

Exotic Weapon Training (Exitus Rifle)

Exotic Weapon Training (Exitus Pistol)


Packing Iron (-5 all tests when without firearm)

Way of the Gun (+5 BS / Pistol Training (SP) / +5 tech use (int) projectile firearms)

Caves of Steel (Tech Use (Int) is a basic skill)

Hivebound (-10 Survival (Int) and -5 all (Int) tests when outside "proper hab")

Wary (+1 initiative)

Transition Package

The Art of Death

Mastered Skills

Paragon Talents

Peerless Marksman

Ascended Traits

Temple Assassin (Reroll acrobatics, climb, contortionist, swim / Extra reactions = Agi bonus / Dodge attacks normally not dodgeable)

Killing Sprint (If wound to 0 gain +10 WS or +10 BS on next turn against new target cumulative to +30)

Minor Psychic Powers

Major Psychic Powers

Ascended Psychic Powers


Exitus Pistol [Class: Pistol, Accurate, Best Craftsmanship]

Damage: 2d10+2 I Pen: 9
Range: 200m
ROF: S/3/-
Clip: 5
Reload: Full 

Weight: 5kg

Exitus Rifle [Class: Basic, Accurate, Best Craftsmanship]

Damage: 2d10+2 I Pen: 9
Range: 200m
ROF: S/-/-
Clip: 10
Reload: Full 

Weight: 9kg

Sword [Class: Melee, Balanced, Primitive]

Damage: 1d10 R Pen: 9
Weight: 3kg


Stealth Suit [Best Craftsmanship]
Head: 3, Torso: 3, Arms: 3, Legs: 3
Weight: 15kg
Benefits: +20 to Concealment (Agi) and Silent Move (Agi) tests / Invisible to infra-red sensors, preysense and Dark Sight / +10 to Dodge (Agi) / +10 (T) to resist toxins / Concealment (Agi) is a Half Action and may be tested even when observed / If unmoving attacks against are taken at one range bracket further away 

Spy mask Benefits: Concentrated food and water / Built-in auspex /Advanced high-quality magnoculars / Good quality photo-visor (providing Dark Sight trait and immunity to photon flash grenades) / Pict-recorder / Re-breather / Vox caster / Reroll (Per) tests / No change of range bracket when firing at target in Cameleoline

1 round (Hellfire, shield-breaker, and turbo-penetrator)



Flynn is a decorated Imperial Guard veteran, having seen action in multiple theatres of the Margin Crusade with the Metallican 31st and, more recently, as Sergeant of 1st Force Recon during the Tranch Insurrection. It was during this uprising that Flynn came to the attention of the Inquisition and was subsequently approached, at its recommendation, by the Vindicare Temple. Flynn was recently sequestered to the service of the Inquisition.