Dawn of the Third Age/Minor NPCs
NPCs for Dawn of the Third Age
Ess (/), Compassion , Conviction , Temperance , Valor -- Willpower
Social: PDV , MDV ,
Combat: DDV , Soak: (), HL: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Misc notes:
Copy the above code over to the appropriate section, then fill in what's necessary and delete the rest
Solar Joe
Concept: Northern merchant prince
A large man of pale complexion with long long hair, clad in expensive furs.
Ess 3, Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 3 -- Willpower 6
Motivation: To establish a new trading organisation to replace the shattered Guild
Intimacies: His money, his wife, his Lunar mate, honorable dealings at day, expediency at night
Social: Good Cha and Presence, bad at Socialize
Misc notes: He's a newly Exalted Solar from the North and is visiting the Imperial City for the first time. He's out of his depth, but has great hopes for trade opportunites.
Commadore Tasahiri Argo
Concept: Air Fleet Commander
Appearance/description: An old Air aspect he looks the part, with bushy white eyebrows, a shock of white hair and a black beard tinged with white and grey. His eyes look grey, like rolling storm clouds approaching . He favours a uniform of the Deliberative Sky Fleet, showing his rank of Commodore, which he was granted by Ziyad Antarah himself in the early days of the Deliberative.
Ess 6, Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 4, Valor 4 -- Willpower 9
Motivation: Help build and maintain the honour of the Deliberative Air Fleet
Intimacies: Ziyad Antarah (Loyalty), The Deliberative Air Fleet (Pride)
Social: PDV 6, MDV 10. Good at Presence and Performance
Combat: DDV 12 (13 aboard a ship), Soak: (6B/6L), HL: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Artifacts: Weeping Into the Wind (Wavecleaver Daiklave), Whatever else the Air Fleet sees fit.
Goals/tactics: Serve the Deliberative and its armed forces with Honour.
Misc notes: Full Stats if necessary. Dabbling Sorcerer.
Tarafa Antarah
Concept: Governor and Deliberator
Appearance/description: He's a pimp. [| Tarafa]
Ess 4, Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 4, Valor 3 -- Willpower 7
Motivation: Be recognised for his own greatness
Intimacies: Ziyad Antarah (Respect/envy), The Deliberative (Ambition), Rathess (Terror), Antarah Sept (Oath of Ten-Thousand Dragons)
Misc notes: Full Stats linked