Houses rise and Houses fall, such is the way of the Noble Houses of Imperial Society. What's worse than being forgotten in history is to be the Scion of a house as it finally submits to its inevitable death. Fidal has the 'honor' of being the Scion of House Loceth which is crumbling around him. Thousands of years ago it was an enviable powerhouse with entire fleets at its beck and call, but now consists of but one ship who's marked with scars and damage of combats long past. The one ship, however, is the Grand Cruiser Malleus Deus Emperor which gives House Loceth a massive amount of power to resist going gently into that good night. Financial distress and mounting difficulties in political maneuvering has left Fidal a surly and angry man with a short fuse.
His crew's uniforms are threadbare and faded, and their equipment have fallen so far to consist mainly of lasguns and flak armor. Fidal's personal weaponry have shown the most loss lately, as his ancient archeotech plasma pistol was sold just a year ago to Mari to pay for some repairs to the ship. Mari, after completing the deal, tossed the weapon into a trash vaporizer not thirty seconds later. Fidal was silent for several hours afterward, and currently wears a common autopistol on his hip.
House information
The height of Imperial Society is akin to swimming amidst starving sharks. When one of the sharks is bleeding and weak, the natural tendencies of the herd takes over. Vassals are conspiring with enemy houses, thefts against House Loceth go unpunished, and even a minor delay in payments from Endeavors cause brutal financial hardships for House Loceth. Currently, a quiet pool has begun as to when Fidal will mentally snap and turn his ship's massive firepower against Imperial Citizens in his house's final death spasms.
Known Ships
- Malleus Deus Emperor, an Avenger class grand cruiser.