Dawn of the Third Age/Minor NPCs
NPCs for Dawn of the Third Age
Ess (/), Compassion , Conviction , Temperance , Valor -- Willpower
Social: PDV , MDV ,
Combat: DDV , Soak: (), HL: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Misc notes:
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Solar Joe
Concept: Northern merchant prince
A large man of pale complexion with long long hair, clad in expensive furs.
Ess 3, Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 3 -- Willpower 6
Motivation: To establish a new trading organisation to replace the shattered Guild
Intimacies: His money, his wife, his Lunar mate, honorable dealings at day, expediency at night
Social: Good Cha and Presence, bad at Socialize
Misc notes: He's a newly Exalted Solar from the North and is visiting the Imperial City for the first time. He's out of his depth, but has great hopes for trade opportunites.
The Long List of Names
Struggling to find a name? Need inspiration. Step right up to the long list of names.
The Masked Master of Strings
Concept: Anonymous Master Musician with a Demon Band
A man who plays the guitar with his face covered, so that he can be sure that people love his music for itself, rather then for himself."
Ess 4 (/), Compassion 4, Conviction 4, Temperance 3, Valor 2 -- Willpower 8
Motivation:To be the greatest of musicians
Intimacies: His Bound Demon band, his music, his great instruments
Social: He's fantastic at Performance, with a specialty in music, but middling to mediocre in presence and socialize. MDV of approx. 7
Combat: DDV , Soak: (), HL: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Goals/tactics:He's playing at the party for no reason other then that the Celestials are some fo the most discerning critics of music, and thus able to appreciate it all the more
Misc notes: He's also a skilled Terrestrial Sorcerer who specializes in demon summoning. He plans to one day travel to Malfeas to hear the unrivaled musical talents of the Yozis for himself.
Ammas Ved
Concept: Rebel Leader turned Elder Statesman
Once a patrician, a rebel leader and a peaceful protester against Dragonblooded rule of his kingdom, Ved was old when he Exalted. Having Exalted when he confronted several Dragonblooded in an attempt to sway them from capturing and executing his son, his status at the time quickly saw him labelled Anathema.
Now Ved is a statesmen for his Kingdom and former Satrapy, rebuilding now the Dragonblooded have retreated, trying to set aside old hatreds and form something new from the ashes. He knows better than to continue the cycle of violence, something he has long tried to set aside. As a member of the Deliberative he seeks favour for his people and the Elevation of all humanity.
Ved is an older man is his mid fifties, surprisingly spry and muscled with steel grey hair, a similar coloured beard and sad blue eyes. Once he wore his hair longer and walked with a limp, now as a chosen of the sun he no longer suffers such infirmities of age and keeps himself better groomed as befits his risen station. He favours bright coloured clothing of a northern cut."
Ess 5 (/), Compassion 4, Conviction 2, Temperance 4, Valor 2 -- Willpower 8
Motivation:To see the fruits and maintain a lengthy peace.
Intimacies: His Northern Vineyards, His Kingdom: Fallen Sky, His Deceased Son, Houses Tepet and Peleps (Dislike), House V'neef (Respect)
Social: Good at Performance, Presence and Socialise. MDV of approx. 8
Combat: DDV 3 (1 in plate), Soak: Charms or Sometimes Orichalcum Plate, HL: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2 -2, -2, -4, Incap
Goals/tactics: An Elevationist and statesman to rival many, Ved is interested in the potential new Deliberator, he also provided many of the wines for this feast and looking for new opportunities with his Vintages.
Misc notes: Despite his exaltation as a Zenith, his son was still killed by Dragonblooded of Houses Tepet and Peleps, he still bears both houses a small grudge. He owns a several large Vineyards in the shelter valleys of his Kingdom, which he is turning into a major enterprise which he has shared with House V'neef. His province had a large quantity of sun cultists anyway, so he takes his duties as a Priest of Ignus Divine very seriously indeed, offering council where required. His primary weapon when words won't suffice is a massive two handed solar sabre with a simple cross guard.
Killian ab Kascras
Concept: Excitable mad scientist, Twilight Caste
An androgynous humanoid, slender to the point of seeming unnatural, his head reshaped with strange bony ridges for increased heat dispersal, hands modified for superhuman dexterity and fine scales partially replacing his skin. An air of nervous energy surrounds him as the same overclocked metabolism that speeds his thoughts and limbs leads to him perpetually outpacing himself. His speech is clipped and rapid, full of ellipses as each sentence contains only the minimum number of words required to convey his meaning. Cheerfully unconcerned with appearances, politics or ethics Killian seems to live only for the next problem to catch the attention of his prodigious intellect.
Ess 4, Compassion 1, Conviction 4, Temperance 1, Valor 2 -- Willpower 7
Motivation: Solve the greatest problems and intellectual challenges of Creation and beyond.
Intimacies: Intellectual Challenges (love, obsession), Authority/Politics/Ethics (cheerful disregard), His Lunar Mate (distant affection), Nomoe Hideaki (friendship, built 2/4)
Social: Little ability or interest, though he does have a rather nice singing voice.
Combat: Archery, powered armor, and a variety of shooty artifacts
Charms: Craft, Occult, Medicine: YES
Misc notes: Killian takes part in Deliberative activities only insofar as they either promise to yield interesting problems for him or due to the prodding of his Lunar Mate. But due to his capabilities and utter disinterest in political gain a rather large number of Deliberators come to him instead to consult him on various matters - a fact which his Lunar mate often manages to take advantage of in one little way or another. Inspired by Mordin Solus from Mass Effect.
The Lady of the Rooks
Concept: General of the Deliberative
A Woman in her thirties with Raven dark hair and a quick smile. She is normally clad in an ancient suit of Moonsilver Celestial Battle Armour, with a distinctive helm shaped like a sharp beak, that lets her hair flow freely behind her.
Ess 5 (/), Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 4 -- Willpower 9
Motivation:To scatter the Navies of the Silver Prince and reassert the will of the Deliberative on the West.
The Deliberative, The Armies of the Deliberative, Her Former Circle
Social: PDV 6, MDV 8,
Goals/tactics: See the Silver Prince broken. Rooks is direct and imperious, often expecting things to go her way purely because of her reputation and prowess alone. She can however be quite underhanded when it suits her to be.
Misc notes: A Changing Moon with a focus in War, Sail and Resistance, she was once part of a circle that comprised both Li Jin Gang and Bright Snow. Loosely affiliated with the Heirarchists, this Sword of Lunar is a dependable and respected member of the Deliberative, despite her outspoken views of the West.
Lily of the Vale
Concept: Genesis Engineer and Horticultural
A brown haired young woman with bark bound in strips in her hair, who favours long flowing green robes and bejeweled multifaceted Moonsilver spectacles, her youth much like Snow's belies her age. Known to many as the formost knowledge on plants of creation, Lily is much sought after No Moon amongst the Deliberative.
Ess 6 (/), Compassion 4, Conviction 2, Temperance 4, Valor 3 -- Willpower 10
Motivation:To create a lineage of plant based beastmen in her holdings in the east.
Her Territory, Plants, Bees, Her Malefactor Mate (Hatred), Li (Dislike)
Social: PDV 4, MDV 10,
Goals/tactics: Lily seeks to make a line of plant based sentient creatures and is mostly content to do that, attending the Deliberative only to make sure the territory she claims as her own isn't absorbed by another Deliberator, especially Hidieki Nomoe's Sanken to which it borders. She also practices Sorcery in an attempt to find a way to break her Lunar Bond, so that she can be rid of her hated Infernal mate.
Misc notes: A No Moon with a focus in Lore, Medicine and Craft (Genesis), she was also once part of a circle that comprised both Li Jin Gang and Bright Snow. She is loosely affiliated with the Elevationists as she once considered Snow a close friend.
Cracked and Broken Land
A Varangian Man, known for his booming laugh and large stature. He is dark skinned even for a Varangian and wears a second set of tattoos in red under the silver, which predate his Exalation. He favours loose desert robes and carries a great hammer into battle named Earthsong. This No Moon is one of several exploring and studying the Underworld. He is closely affiliated with Cerise of the Rose’s Thorn, doing much physical scouting in the Underworld and exploring it as thoroughly as any dare with the Deathlords there still in control.
Ess 3 (/), Compassion 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 3, Valor 3 -- Willpower 8
Motivation:To explore and learn the secrets of the Underworld
The Underworld, Cerise and Anshu
Social: PDV 4, MDV 6,
Goals/tactics: Cracked is an oddity, several people reckon he really is as cracked as his name. He has a strange obsession with names and other than his interest in the underworld works to other unseen goals in creation. He rarely acts the part of junior amongst the Deliberative, taking liberties and often ignoring protocol.
Misc notes: A No Moon with a focus in Lore, Occult, Linguistics and Survival in the oddest of environments. He also has an oddly high Perception for a Lunar his age and a suite of custom charms related to it. He is associated with the Elevationists only through his work with Cerise, whom he carries great respect for.
Falls the Shadow
An attractive long haired man, with subtle silver spectacles and bright blue eyes, Falls speaks politely and with no malice, though many of the others at the party shy away from him none the less. There is an aura of distaste from him that is almost palatable and even the other Lunars keep there distance.
Ess 4, Compassion 1, Conviction 5, Temperance 5, Valour 3 -- Willpower 9
Motivation: Keep the Deliberative intact until it has served its purpose, then shatter it.
Intimacies: History, Vathrek (His Full Moon companion), The Winding Path, The Truth
Social: PDV 6, MDV 7
Goals/Tactics: Falls is an oddity, he is primarily tasked with destroying civilisations and cultures the Winding Path wants torn down. He does so primarily through a combination of subtle social prodding, charms and sheer terror. Assassination is a favourite tools of his, only exceeded by pretending to be those he has just murdered. His presence in the deliberative puzzles many of the Lunar's who know him, many eager to find out what brings this tool of destruction to the Halls of power.
Misc notes: Falls is a Changing Moon, he is also a noted ally of Amoth City-Smiter, possibly his only ally besides Vathrek. His loyalty to the Winding Path is absolute and some whisper he was once an early test subject for some Lunar Elder with nefarious purposes. Bizarrely despite his loyalty to the Winding Path he is a part of neither faction.
Aged Root
A young man of pale completion, with dark eyes and obviously possessing some Ghost Blood. Originally from the West, he has claimed his position in the deliberative only recently, siding predominately with the Heirarchists.
Ess 2, Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valour 3 -- Willpower 6
Goals/Tactics: Root often argues that the Deliberative begin expanding more aggressively pointing to areas in every direction they could expand to, predominately in the North and the South. He is young and inexperienced with politics so tends to make his points poorly, often supported by his Solar Mate, Darkest Dawn.
Misc notes: Full Moon, though only recently made so as he spent sometime as a Casteless. He and his Mate are of the same mind about expansion, though many fear he is but a puppet for the Silver Prince.
Iridescent Lightning
Concept: Dragonfly-totem duelist, Changing Moon Caste
A young man with metallic blue and green hair who moves with the natural grace of a dancer or a fencer. He favors loose tunics in bright colors, open at the back to allow the shimmering wings of his spirit form to come forth. He exults in the freedom of the sky and the speed and agility bestowed by his beloved wings, be it in human form, in spirit shape or anywhere in between, and rarely walks where he can fly. Moonsilver tattoos gleam on his skin, showing a number of debts incurred and obligations earned, reflecting the ease with which he takes offense and his preferred method settling such matters - the duel. He is rarely seen without his favourite weapon, a long, slender sword of hardened glass.
Ess 5, Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 5 -- Willpower 8
Motivation: To help his people grow into a strong and self-sufficient society.
Intimacies: The Silver Pact, The Thousand Streams River, His people, *various friends and allies*, Nomoe Hideaki
Social: Quite capable in terms of Abilities and Charms but rash and quick to lose his temper.
Combat: A duelist of considerable skill, but less strong in a mass battle.
Artifacts: A glass reaver daiklave of some power.
Misc notes: Iridescent Lightning splits his time between the nation he is guiding as part of the Thousand Streams River, located to the far North East and now surrounded on all sides by the tides of the Wyld, and the Deliberative where he argues on the sides of Elevationists and Hierarchists by turns, refusing to let himself be pinned down into one of the factions. Among his chosen people he is known as the Arbiter, a wandering divinity they can appeal to for mediation in disputes, for advice when all else fails, and for justice where laws and traditions are corrupted and turned against itself. If they can find him, that is, and the Arbiter's actions are rarely what they'd expect.
Little Teacher
Concept: The reincarnation of the headmaster of the Heptagram
A 10 year old bespectacled child in the garb of a professor, appearing wise and tired beyond his years
Ess 3 (/), Compassion 3, Conviction 5, Temperance 2, Valor 2 -- Willpower 10
Motivation:To live up to the legacy of the Heptagram
Intimacies:The Heptagram, the memory of his former incarnation, rivalry with the master Sorcerer-Engineer of Lookshy
Social: PDV 7, MDV 10,
Combat: DDV , Soak: (), HL: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Goals/tactics: He wants to meet the Celestials that he has been brought up to advise. He has some Hierarchist leanings
Misc notes: He has Past Life 5 and is extremely skilled in Occult, Investigation, and Lore. However, he simply hasn't had the time to learn many charms or a lot of sorcery, despite having more then enough knowledge to put them into practice.
Peace and War
Concept: A child of Serenity and Chosen of Battles
A red-eyed and short blue haired ten year old boy. Often he is disconcerting, appearing too knowledgeable about a variety of topics including human relations for his age.
Ess 3 (/), Compassion 5, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 4 -- Willpower 9
Motivation:To make sure Wars are fought when they should be and that the Peace remains unbroken in the meantime.
Intimacies: The Maiden of Serenity, The Maiden of Battles, Arlat
Social: PDV 5, MDV 8,
Combat: DDV , Soak: (), HL: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Goals/tactics: His goal is to see Fate and the Exalted host work in harmony, especially with regards to his mother and his patron's interests.
Misc notes: His god-blooded inheritance though substantial was washed away by his exultation, though he still bears the material gifts of his mother. His tutoring has been flawless and he is both skilled meleeist, martial artist, singer and leader of people.
Unfortunate Si
Concept: Child burdened with overwhelming secrets and responsibilities, Secrets Caste
A little girl of perhaps nine years in severe robes of light-devouring black that make her seem even paler than she'd otherwise be. Shackle scars ring her wrists and the faint golden shimmer of orichalcum threads around her eyes shows where powerful magics have returned to her the eyes burned out by Magog's twisted experiments. She carries no visible weapons of any sort, but several pieces of small, intricate Moonsilver jewelry may not be quite as innocuous as they seem. There's a key she carries on a necklace at all times, which seems to be a burden beyond its material weight to a sharp-eyed observer.
Ess 4, Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 2 -- Willpower 8
Motivation: To gain the acceptance and respect of her supposed peers despite her young age.
Intimacies: Yu-Shan and Creation (belonging, protectiveness), The gods who raised her (love), The Forbidding Manse of Ivy/the office of Record Keeper (resigned acceptance of duty), her Sidereal mentor (admiration, fear), Alchemicals and other Autochthonian technology (irrational fear), Nomoe Hideaki (gratitude, hero worship)
Social: Perceptive and adept enough at manipulation of assumptions and secrets, but little natural charisma or Charms; brought up by gods in Yu-Shan her demeanor and manners would appear slightly odd to Creation-born
Combat: Knows VBoS fundamentals but prefers stealth, running away, or sorcery (including demons)
Artifacts: A key that opens many doors in the Forbidding Manse of Ivy, Moonsilver jewelry without obvious function
Misc notes: Unfortunate Si was named so for the many and varied misfortunes heaped upon her during her young life, most prominent among them the abduction by the Lion's Abyssals and the abominable experiments of the rogue Alchemical patropolis Magog. She bears the name as she does her destiny, with outward stoicism and even a little pride, but she'd rather be free of both. Of course there is no way out, and even if there was it wouldn't be one she'd be capable of taking, Si understands resignedly. So she struggles to keep up with the demands made of her, working toward the day when she can be equal to them. Considering the powers and responsibilities she bears despite her young age she resents being treated as a child or otherwise as anything less than an equal, but knowing how it would be perceived she hides it.
In Deliberative votes Si most often follows the lead of her Sidereal mentor, but has been known to - very rarely - voice polite dissent as well. In political terms she'd probably be counted as a Hierarchist. She is known to be a personal acquaintance and ally of Nomoe Hideaki following her rescue from Magog.
Commadore Tasahiri Argo
Concept: Air Fleet Commander
Appearance/description: An old Air aspect he looks the part, with bushy white eyebrows, a shock of white hair and a black beard tinged with white and grey. His eyes look grey, like rolling storm clouds approaching . He favours a uniform of the Deliberative Sky Fleet, showing his rank of Commodore, which he was granted by Ziyad Antarah himself in the early days of the Deliberative.
Ess 6, Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 4, Valor 4 -- Willpower 9
Motivation: Help build and maintain the honour of the Deliberative Air Fleet
Intimacies: Ziyad Antarah (Loyalty), The Deliberative Air Fleet (Pride)
Social: PDV 6, MDV 10. Good at Presence and Performance
Combat: DDV 12 (13 aboard a ship), Soak: (6B/6L), HL: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Artifacts: Weeping Into the Wind (Wavecleaver Daiklave), Whatever else the Air Fleet sees fit.
Goals/tactics: Serve the Deliberative and its armed forces with Honour.
Misc notes: Full Stats if necessary. Dabbling Sorcerer.
Tarafa Antarah
Concept: Governor and Deliberator
Appearance/description: He's a pimp. [| Tarafa]
Ess 4, Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 4, Valor 3 -- Willpower 7
Motivation: Be recognised for his own greatness
Intimacies: Ziyad Antarah (Respect/envy), The Deliberative (Ambition), Rathess (Terror), Antarah Sept (Oath of Ten-Thousand Dragons)
Misc notes: Full Stats linked