The One Ring: The Marsh Bell
[Category: The One Ring]
This is the wiki for the PBP game running the Marsh Bell adventure for The One Ring game system.
In Character Thread
Out of Character Thread
Players & Characters
Gee4orce: Loremaster
(Please state your forum name, write your character's name and race, and link to their full character sheet Wiki page)
(Any maps required will be added here)
House Rules
Traits do not provide automatic success- instead, if a Trait is applicable to the current test, the player may spend a point of Hope to reduce the difficulty of the task by one step.
Additionally, if a Trait is potentially detrimental to the current task, the player may voluntarily increase the difficulty of the task by one step. If the task succeeds, the character gains a point of Hope. This may only be done once per Trait, per character, for the duration of this game