Equipment brought to the tomb
- A lunar senior NCO's pack tent with all the trimmings 20 years of knowhow brings
- a lantern each , no extra oil.
- 10m of rope per man.
- 5 bronze rings
- A spare blanket for each man.
- Two spare spear shafts 2m long.
- 10 Ironwood stakes.
- A saw.
- 2 wood axes.
- 4 pack panniers .
- A Tarpaulin.
- A hammer.
- A large copper kettle,
- Various cooking pots and pans
- 15 bronze spearheads packhorse
- 1 axe heads packhorse
- 33 arrow heads packhorse
- 3 bronze daggerspackhorse
- 5 lead ingotspackho
- 11 sackspackhorse
- 8 back packspackhorse
- A lunar senior NCO's pack tent with all the trimmings 20 years of knowhow brings packhorse
- 1 jumping potion packhorse
- 1 glue 2 potion packhorse
- 1 sneeze potion packhorse
- 10 doses pot 10 acid packhorse [two on Dolwynn]
- 12 doses pot 10 BV packhorse[two on Dolwynn]
- 6 doses pot 10 BV antidote packhorse[two on Dolwynn]
- 4 doses pot 12 spider paralyzing venom packhorse[two on Dolwynn]
- 40m spider silk cord Pack Horse
- mantis saddle and tackRothar (stowed on packhorse, unpack in case of bison)
- Map to Gonn Ortas castle packhorse
- Green crystal, arrow shaped? packhorse
Rothar will work out with these when we stop for the night)
- helmet fits any. 10 AP. Black and red. Bronze packhorse
- shield, medium. 20AP Black and red. Bronze. packhorse
- two swords, matching pair. damage 2d4+2. packhorse
- A keg of mavern hills beer packhorse
- A weeks supply of mushrooms packhorse