Verzeg's Starting Loot
- Main Page: Escape to Smalltown
- Chain maille (SIZ 10, 7AP) Vasha
- Light Plate limbs (SIZ 10, 6AP)º
- Light Chain torso (SIZ 10, 5AP)º
- 2 x Bronze kettle hat (SIZ 10, 3AP)º Bekim, Niffle
- Bronze-reinforced cuirboilli (SIZ 8, 4AP) Niffle
- Heavy padded (SIZ 11, 2AP) Bekim
- Light Chain coif [head] (SIZ 7, 5AP)
- Bronze open helm (SIZ 7, 3AP) Skitter
- Cuirboilli armour (SIZ 8, 3AP)* Skitter
- Cuirboilli armour (SIZ 11, 3AP)*
- 2 x Bronze daggersº Skitter, Vasha
- Lead dagger
- 3 x slings Skitter
- Main Gauche
- 4 x battle axesº
- Hatchetº
- 7 x Shortswordº Skitter
- 2 x Broadswordº
- 2 x Rapierº
- 2 x Troll maul
- 3 x Bastard sword
- 3 x Short spears Bekim, Vasha
- 2 x short spears*
- Poll axe
- 3 x heavy maces
- 3 x long spears
- 2 x quarterstaves
- 2 x heavy crossbows
- Crossbow light
- Crossbow mediumº Verzeg
- Net (SIZ 20)
- 2 x bows Skitter
- 36 arrows Skitter
- 2 x darts
- 6 x dartsº
- 24 x boltsº
- 3 x Javelins
- 4 Bucklers
- 3 x Hoplon
- 3 x Targesº Bekim
º Mostali-make
- Aldryami-make
- Main Page: Escape to Smalltown