
Magical/Divinatory Runic Language
The runic alphabet is more than mere letters. It is a set of symbols, each of which holds depths of meaning. While most literate folk know only the name and sound of each letter, those skilled in magic and/or divination also have a greater or lesser degree of knowledge of the meanings. Those using the runes for divinatory purposes may also study stories and histories linked to each rune.
The runic alphabet is known as the futhark' after its first six letters:
The complete Runic alphabet used in the Western Shores consists of twenty-four runes. These are divided into three 'families' of eight runes each, the numbers three and eight holding special significance. The three groups, known as aettir, are named after the gods Freyr, Hegl and Tyr. The three aettir are:

Fehu is used when the target is in need of sustenance. Fehu can represent food and water, or can be used to affect items the target is carrying, whether for good or ill. It is also used in blessings for livestock of all kinds. Fehu is Freyr's rune, often borne by his worshippers, and vital in calling on his powers.
- Freyr is the most renowned of the Æsir; he rules over the rain and the shining of the sun, and therewithal the fruit of the earth; and it is good to call on him for fruitful seasons and peace. He governs also the prosperity of men. - Gylfaginning 24 from the Prose Eddas
Divination: Fulfillment, ambition satisified. Fehu indicates the favour of the gods, and calls for a deep probing of the meaning of profit and gain in the querant's life. Fehu also calls for the querant to be mindful of his or her possessions. It urges vigilance and conservation of resources, especially when times seem good. Recklessness will lead to loss and failure. Fortune shared will bring the favour of the gods. Reversed, it indicates frustration and loss, a warning of transitory gains leading to greater loss.

Manhood, Womanhood
The Wild Ox
Uruz is the rune of raw primal power. uruz lends strength and power, and is used whenever a spell is being charged up to give greater than normal effects. Uruz is the primary rune used in sex magick, and is important for rousing strong emotions in a target.
Divination: Terminations and new beginning. Uruz indicates that a life change is required. A descent into darkness may be required as part of the cycle of life, bringing new prosperity and opportunities.
The Querant should be on the lookout for upcoming problems, knowing that sacrifice and struggle will lead to triumph. Uruz is the symbol of the wild animal. Taming chaos and wildness is not a task for the faint-hearted. Adapting to the requirements of a difficult force requires understanding and creativity. A king must learn to serve if he wishes to be known as a great and wise ruler.
Reversed, Uruz warns of opportunities missed, a failure to take advantage of an opportunity.

Place of Non-Action
The God Thor
Thurisaz depicts an open gate, indicating a portal or path to power and/or wisdom. It creates a link between worlds, preparing the way rather than initiating the journey. Of all the runes, Thurisaz is the one most strongly linked to one of the gods. As Thor's rune, Thurisaz grants access to some of Thor's power, as Thor has invested himself in his rune. As such, Thurisaz can be used to affect the weather.
Divination: Thurisaz represent the frontier between the divine and the mundane. It is a symbol of readiness to confront the divine within yourself, to allow the purpose of your experience to shine through the form of your past. As a rune of non-action, Thurisaz indicates that a time of contemplation and reflection is called for. The gateway to transcendance is not to be crossed without understanding.
Reversed, Thurisaz indicates a time of accelerated growth and difficult passages. Hasty decisions may cause regrets. Be sure of what lies beyond before rushing headlong into danger.

Messenger Rune
Ansuz is the rune used when information flow is required. It enables communication. Ansuz can be used reversed to block messages and cloud attempts at scrying. As Loki's rune, Ansuz is used to call on his power, bringing the power of illusion and the ability to cloud men's minds.
Divination: Loki is the ancient trickster. He mocks Odin while giving gifts to humankind, but his blessings are a two-edged sword. Expect the unexpected and be wary of things that seem too good to be true. Ansuz can represent a timely warning or news from afar.
Reversed, Ansuz represents lack of understanding or failed communication. Consider the uses of adversity. A sense of futility, of blocked purpose, may be timely to future growth.

Where Ansuz concentrates on reception of information, Raido is concerned with two-way communication, the attunement of something which has two sides or elements, and completion of a journey. Ansuz can be used when two mages wish to speak to one another over a long distance, or to ensure correct alignment of objects in construction or magical workings.
Divination: Raido signals that the completion of a long journey or the end of a great task is imminent. Time should be taken to ensure the path you are on is the right one, as there is little time left to change directions.
Raido represents the journey towards self-healing, self-change and union between the mystical and the mundaneRaido contains the rune Wunjo and here it represents the joy of the imminent end of a long journey, the satisfaction gained at the end of a mighty task.
Reversed, Raido indicates possible problems with personal relationships. Ruptures are more likely and attention should be paid to keeping friends in good humour. Reconciliations will be difficult. Desired outcomes may be elusive; the path may take control of your feet and steer you to a new opportunity

A Gift
Gebo is the rune of uniting and merging, and also the rune of sacrifice. In a working involving some form of sacrifice, Gebo will often be painted on the sacrificial items during high rituals.
Divination: Gebo signals that a partnership is at hand. Gebo warns the querant to stay whole within a partnership, and not to subsume themselves to the union. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link; only when all members of a union are strong and whole in themselves can a bond hold fast.
Gebo also brings thoughts of union with the gods; it reminds us that the gods are in all things, and that magic and life are intertwined.

The Self
Mannaz relates to a person, either the caster or the target. Spells affecting people directly will always work Mannaz into them. The positioning of Mannaz in relation to the other runes indicates whether it relates to the mage or another person. The essence of Mannaz is water, so Mannaz may also be utilised to affect that element.
Divination: Mannaz counsels modesty and self-awareness. True self-knowledge is an important requirement to understand the oracle of a casting involving Mannaz.
If you cut Mannaz down the middle, it forms two Wunjo runes, one reversed as if in a mirror.