ShatteredPrism:Races Fokkoran

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Fokkoran are a tauric race greatly resembling the Red Fox (Think of a mythical Centaur, only replace both horse and human features with vulpine features). Standing roughly 1.5 meters at the upper shoulder on average, as well as about 1.7 meters in length, the average Fokkoran weighs roughly 180-220 kg. Fur coloring is commonly in shades of red, orange, and gold, but there are also those with black, white, silver, grey and blueish-grey as well. Eye color is always somewhere within blue or grey, however.

Locomotion & Manipulation

The Fokkoran 'lower torso' (four-legged body) allows great speed thanks to having four legs, but is somewhat more clumsy in tight quarters due to their increased size.

Communcation & Interaction

Body Chemistry

Fokkorans are carbon based. They have iron-based blood, and a skeleton based on a mix of calcium and boron.


Fokkoran vision has slightly poorer color differentiation than humans, but better night-sight. Their visual range is equal to that of humans. Sense of smell is roughly 10 times better than humans. Hearing extends into lower ultra-sonics. Taste and touch are equal to that of humans.

Lifespan & Lifecycles

A Fokkoran has an average life span of 120 years, with males usually outliving females by a few years. A 'kit' is considered an adult by the age of 20, and reaches old age at about 80 years. Fokkorans aren't known for wearing out with age, so despite their short time left, they often do whatever they were doing beforehand with little thought into creaking bones and sensitive bellies.

Combat Capabilities/Natural Weapons

Special Racial Capabilities



Other Abilities


Cultural Psychology


Naming Protocals

Social Mobility/Status/Rank

Cultural Subgroups


Overall Attitudes

Rituals & Taboos

Morality and Codes of Ethics

Fashions & Manners of Dress




Historical Overview

First Contact

Empire and Colonization

