ShatteredPrism:Races Grrwrrawl
Grrwrrawl are bipedal wolves, of a classic 'anthropomorphic' design, with three fingers and opposeable thumbs. Two legs end in digitigrade feet. They average about 2.8 meters in size, and generally weight around 300 kg. Fur coloration varies with gender, but fur can be any color range from white to black, as well as various shades of brown.
Locomotion & Manipulation
Despite having a smaller set of fingers, they are unusualy capable at handling objects in their hands (some objects must be designed for them in mind, however). Likewise, they have little trouble maneuvering around in small spaces, but their tails have a habit of striking what they're avoiding if they're nervous, or if there are many smaller objects around.
Communcation & Interaction
Body Chemistry
Wolven are a ‘standard’ carbon-based species, with iron-based blood and a calcium-based skeletal system.
The Wolven senses of taste and touch are equivalent to most other species. They have slightly impared color differentiation, but have excellent night-sight capabilities, equivalent to lower-end light-amp equipment. Hearing range extends slightly into the subsonic, but high into the ultrasonic ranges. Their sense of smell is where they excel, being able to detect and differentiate nearly 1000 times more scents than a human.
Lifespan & Lifecycles
The average lifespan, for those that die of natural causes, has an assumed maximum of 120 years, with maturity at 10 years of age and the onset of old age at 70 years old.