Parade Way Blues/Non-Characters

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Non-Player Characters


Fassbinder Hammerhand

Captain of the Watch (Day Shift)

Saturnine and secretive in the extreme, he’s obviously a spy for someone; his desk is strategically positioned to overhear anything said in the watch room. A clear loathing of paperwork and Imperial people marks him; he takes no part in the day to day running of the watch and only involves himself in outré investigations. His nickname comes from his warhammer shaped like a hand clenching a hammer-head; he is an experienced Rubble Tracker and something of a mystery for Watch Captain. Fassbinder is totally unremarked upon at the Temple, and Brygga Scissortongue hounds him with unheeded messages. Jorjor despises him just as much as he despises Jorjor; immensely.

Torbolt the Lame

Gaoler and pensioned off watchman.

Garrulous and talkative, the poor unfortunates incarcerated by him have to endure hour upon hour of his reminiscing. Torbolt was maimed ten years ago in a riot and is unable to bend his left knee. He has a large family in Oldtown. Torbolt is heavy-set and shaves his head, as he feels that’s the mandatory look for a gaoler. He always has a jug of cradle wine stashed somewhere but can drink for hours without becoming drunk.

Bissina the Scrivener

Clerk, keeper of Watch records.

Prim and proper, she may appear easily shocked but profanity and violence roll off her like water off a duck’s back, she and her henpecked husband Soligor live in the Farmer’s Quarter. Bissina has her long brown hair pulled back in a tight bun and wears demure robes and rather out of date half-veil.

Indrubal Greycloak

Duty serjent-at-arms, custodian of equipment and in charge of routine matters.

Kindly, overworked and invariably cheerful, Indrubal has risen to Duty Serjent by lengthy service and everyone else avoiding the job. He is tall, but his forty years are starting to stoop him. He does all the work Fassbinder Hammerhand is supposed to do as well as his own, which keeps him very busy as the Imperials have brought their love of paperwork with them to Pavis. Indrubal is a widower and his watchmen have been playing matchmakers for a few years, but he still wears the red wristbands that are his clan-emblems for mourning. Indrubal is of a minor family that are clients of the Ingilli, but he lives in Oldtown.

Mulsey Scorchwind


He has a strong dislike of trolls that exceeds that of the average Pavisite, and trolls have absolutely no chance of him cooperating with them. Mulsey disappeared in his youth and is widely assumed to have fought in Sartar against the Imperials.

Diadrean Ninefingers


Diadrean is from Riverside, but her antecedents are from Badside. She lost her left little finger in a bet some years back at Goldfang’s Grotto and paid up on the spot, something still the matter of some admiration. Of medium height and fairly slight, she is absolutely without fear and extremely dogged in personality. Her entire reason of staying within the watch is to avoid the tedious power plays of her guildsmen family. She has absolutely no head for alcohol, and her watch mates try and keep her from drinking anything more than one cup.

Bertholt of the Axe


Every watch needs a big doofus with an axe, and Bertholt is the Pavis version. While not a storm bull, he’s the ideal candidate for one and is always part of groups sent to calm rowdy horn-helms. He has a brush of red hair and a look of perpetual shock on his face, as if life just came up with the most remarkable turn (like ‘breakfast’). When angry, Bertholt can be extremely violent and is the only watchman to have ever served in the salt mines for brawling.

Chooga (and his lot)

Dark troll Night Watch serjent and his seven patrollkin.

Brought here by Jorjor the Quick in an act of incredible indifference to Pavic sensibilities, Chooga and his trollkin patrol from midnight curfew to dawn. They have to keep away from Suntown as the Sunwatch are quite prepared to shoot them dead. Chooga is actually quite a civilised and pleasant individual who treats his trollkin with an almost abnormal care, something like the care for favoured dogs or stupid and unruly children. They are fiercely devoted to him. However, Chooga is the face of everything wrong with Jotoran’s and Jorjor’s attitudes to Pavis. Pavisites loathe trolls, and only suffer them as outright warfare is a worse situation. To have trolls roaming the night with powers of arrest is almost insufferable. However, the Imperials are only interested in results and so the trolls stay.


Jotoran Longsword

Chief Administrator of Pavis, Imperial Bureaucrat

Jorjar the Quick

Constable of Pavis, Imperial Bureaucrat. Commander of the Watch and associated forces.

Fleeter Nemm

Daughter of Pavis, the main legally minded Pavis priest, usually serves as judge.

Brygga Scissortongue

Pavis Mayor, up for re-election in a season.

Haloric Glowbrow

Sun Dome Light Captain leads the Sun Town militia

Hetaera Thessen

Rune Priestess of Irripi Ontor, primary source of Imperial law initiatives.

Gavial Latish

Lhankor Mhy city judge, greedy bastard.

Zibert Merne

Imperial judge and administrator

Rudent Pheric

Imperial gate head-clerk on the Old Gate.

A spy for the administration, as much as a head-clerk would be otherwise, but fairly understanding as Imperials go. Rudent is the least likely to levy on-the-spot fines to foreigners of all the head gate clerks, and this makes him a bit overworked as word has gotten around about his easy-going attitude.

Local People:


Chalana Arroy Healer

A well respected healer acolyte from The Holy Country. While only a metis, she has considerable goodwill due to her fearless work in Riverside for the poor. Extraordinarily attractive, her statuesque beauty is backed by a graceful demeanour and perfect manners. Presently unmarried but not short of suitors, even though she is quite poor.

Teklus Black-Creek

Provost at the Chalana Arroy temple

The tough young Provost at the Chalana Arroy temple. In charge of admissions and decorum in the wards, he has fists like hams and the will to use them if people abuse the healers. Not actually a healer himself, he is frequently called upon by the healers to curb his violence, but is appreciated for his unstinting protection. He originally hails from Saltford.

Trafter Treginnson

Orlanthi ne'er-do-well

Glenfinn the Miller

Owner and operator of The Rumbling Mill in Pavis' Riverside. He is a rich man, and devoted to his family. After many years of working within the mill he is beginning to lose his hearing.

Naliya Mill

Glenfinn's wife and his children's devoted mother.

Spenia of the Knife

Badside resident and blade for hire. Fights with her rapidly escalate into knife fights but the watch doesn't care as long as she confines her activities to Badside.