The Prose of the World: Greenville
Greenville, Power of Cities in The Prose of the World
Character Sheet
Passions & Skills
S: Superior City-Management (4)
P: “I can survive anything” (3)
P: “I love to learn new things” (1)
Bonds & Afflictions
B: I think like a city, not like a human. (2)
B: I frequently overlook the consequences of my actions (3)
B: I care more for others than myself (1)
B: I want to do the right thing, but I don’t always know what that is (2)
B: I serve the Apologists of Za'afiel (1)
A: No matter what form I take, there’s a full-sized city on the inside (4)
A: Urban spirits like me (1)
Estate Properties
- ... require a population (3)
- ... are more than the sums of their parts (3)
- ... grow if they are able (1)
Aspect: 0 (9 AMP)
Domain: 5 (9 DMP)
Persona: 0 (9 PMP)
Treasure: 0 (9 TMP)
- The Bloody Thistle, Sigil of the Apologists of Za'afiel
- The population of Greenville
Shapeshifting (3 point version)