System Brief: Rhianna
STELLAR MASS: 0.92185x10^30 kg
Planet Brief
Planet Name: Alcazzar
Moons: 7
Climate Range: Seasonal: winter and summer both move east at 3km/hour continuously, but on opposite sides of the planet.
Diameter: 9,832 km
Atmosphere: 75% Nitrogen, 20% Oxygen, 5% Inert Elements
Length of Year (One Orbit around Rhianna): 10,000 hours GST
Length of Day (summer): 4000 hours GST
Length of Night (winter): 4000 hours GST
Length of Transition (either): 1000 hours GST
Gravity: 0.81
Surface Temperature:-30 to 40 Celsius
Unsettled. Discovered 12/21/61 by the Cassadine Development Corporation Twilight Moon Expedition. The planet's existance and mineral wealth were kept secret. A mining operation began almost immediately. Internal designation, CDC:Alcazzar:Compound Alpha
Cliamate and Seasonal Changes
Alcazzar's climate and seasonal changes are very unusual because the planet barely rotates as it orbits its star, Rhianna. At any one time, 40% of the planet is in summer, another 40% is in winter, and 20% is transitioning between the two seasons.
The entire summer is daytime, and the whole winter is nighttime. For approximately 200 standard GST days of the year, each hemisphere is either blessed with eternal daylight and warm, pleasant conditions, or plunged into an equally long night with frigid temperatures and snow reaching depths of several dozen metres. A 100-day GST period occurs between each extreme when each region passes through a twilight transition.
The winter are is blanketed by a heavy layer of clouds or blizzards approximately 50% fo the time. During transtion, the "beltline" region is cloudy 90% of the time, and suffers violent rain or snowstorms 33% of the time. The summer region is 90% sunney, but when clouds drift in from a transition zone, violent thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes are possible.