Canard Chance
Canard Chance
Template: Sorcerer Emissary of Power
Powers: Marked by Power (–1), Inhuman Speed (–2), Feeding Dependency (+1), Language Buff (–1), Vismancy (-2), Venatormancy (-2), Wizard's Constitution (–0)
OBS: Vismancy = Spirit channeling, Venatormancy = Ritual focused on crafting, traps and hunting related spells.
Adjusted Refresh: 1
Power Related
= Focus Items: =
- Focus Item: Bracelet +1 Lore for Crafts and Potions
- Focus Item: Wolf Necklace +1 to control.
- Enchanted Item: Jacket +2 armor always on (4 shifts effect = 1 use per scene, may reinforce uses taking mental stress)
- Potion: Runaway Vial (4 shifts escape effect, may choose direction)
- Enchanted Item: "Baderung" Steel Longsword (Weapon: 2) (4 Shifts effect, transformation/conjuration, Bracelet with a tiger's claw hanging from it becomes sword. 2 uses per session. May take mental stress to recharge it. 1 use brings it out, the other reverses it)
- Enchanted Item: "Vaesing" Thin Silver Longsword (Weapon: 2) (4 Shifts effect, transformation/conjuration, Bracelet with a cross hanging from it becomes sword. 2 use per session. May take mental stress to recharge it. 1 use brings it out, the other reverses it)
= Rote Spells: =
- Hunter's Approach (Veil, +3shifts vs. alertness, 1 exchange)
Quick movements with hands bring about shadows or simply a "that is not important" aura.
- Wolf Senses (Spirit, +3shifts to check surroundings, 1 exchange)
Breathing methods enhance sight, hearing, touch and sense of smell.
- Air Bullet (Kinect Shot, Weapon:3)
The moviment of flicking a coin shoots a powerful concentrated Air Bullet.
High Concept: "Sorcerer Turned into a Witcher"
Trouble: "'A monster to hunt monsters, as if secrets were not enough!'"
Background: "Luck isn't always my friend"
Rising Conflict: "No second chances"
First Adventure: "Some monsters don't deserve to die"
Guest Starring: "I have a plan, it jus't doesn't seem like that for you!"
Guest Starring Redux: "They are both for monsters."
Superb (+5): (none)
Great (+4): (none)
Good (+3): Endurance, Lore, Discipline, Conviction, Weapons
Fair (+2): Scholarship, Resources, Alertness, Guns, Athletics
Average (+1): Stealth, Contacts, Investigation, Craftsmanship, Survival
French, Japanese, German, English, Latin, Chinese(Mandarin) and one slot open.
- Fate Points: 1
- Physical:
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- Mental:
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- Social:
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- Hunger:
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- none
That saves me. Thanks for being so ssenlibe!